High–Tech Options For Tires Abound This Spring

High–tech options for tires abound this spring and you should find out what they are right now. Find out how to save gas with the help of your car tires.

(NC)—They are your vehicle's only connection to the road and are more technologically advanced than ever before, yet most of the time your tires are the last thing you think about. As the technology in tires rapidly advances, so do consumers' options to choose the right tires to meet their vehicle's needs.

To maximize your vehicle's performance Goodyear Canada suggests drivers consider the following:

Know Your Size

Check the tire sidewalls and write down the numbers you find there, especially your existing tire size. There are times when a vehicle manufacturer requires different sizes for the front and rear axles, so be sure to check your vehicle owner's manual.

Know What You Want

Do you want the quiet comfort of a luxury all–season tire? Or is it high–performance, long tread mileage or increased fuel economy? Thanks to recent technological advances, today's tires can give vehicles an extra edge in many of these areas.

Consider Cost

You paid a lot for the technological advancements designed into your vehicle, from traction control to stability control or a sport suspension, but your tires are the only things translating those benefits to the road; if they aren't up to the task, you won't get the full benefit from your investment.

What's On The Inside?

Today's tires feature many specialized compounds and high–tech construction techniques that give them performance attributes. Examples include unique materials such as volcanic ash for icy conditions, and reinforcements such as carbon fibre and kevlar, which can give sidewalls extra toughness, or dampen sounds and vibrations.

The newest generation of technological innovations is helping create tires that can save money at the fuel pump. Goodyear's Assurance Fuel Max tires use a technology to better link and distribute materials within the tire compound to improve rolling resistance without sacrificing all–season traction or tread life. The result is a fuel–efficient solution that can potentially save drivers over 4,000 kilometres worth of gas over the life of four tires.

For more helpful information on tire technology or advice on selecting the proper tire for cars, light trucks, SUVs and more, you can visit your local Goodyear retailer or go online to www.goodyear.ca.