Simple Steps To Save Money On Your Car

Simple Steps To Save Money On Your Car from our car care corner. High gas prices, once again, force car owners to find even more ways to save money when operating and maintaining their vehicles.

(NAPSI)—Experts are predicting that gas prices will continue rising to historic highs this summer, forcing vehicle owners to find ways to save money when it comes to maintaining their cars. Many Americans are already living on tight budgets, so practicing some quick, inexpensive and easy car maintenance can help you save and protect your investment.

• Maintain The Air To Save Money On Fuel.

The U.S. Department of Energy reports that under-inflated tires can increase fuel consumption by up to 3 percent. One study estimates that 50 to 80 percent of the tires rolling on U.S. roads are under inflated. Properly inflated tires on all American cars could save up to 2 billion gallons of gas a year.

What’s more, a clogged air filter can increase fuel consumption by as much as 10 percent. Air filters keep impurities from damaging the interior of the engine, so replacing dirty filters will save gas and protect your engine.

More ways to save money on fuel are available at

• Reduce Your Insurance Costs By Shopping Around.

Prices vary from company to company, so it pays to do your homework. Get at least three price quotes. You can call companies directly or access information on the Internet.

• Get Slick To Reduce Maintenance Costs And Save Fuel.

Upgrading to one of today’s modern high-performance motor oils can make a meaningful improvement to your car’s fuel economy and engine life. For instance, independent studies have documented that Royal Purple motor oil improves fuel economy by as much as 5 percent and significantly reduces engine wear. Using high-performance synthetic motor oil, as opposed to conventional oils, also allows for more miles between oil changes, reducing maintenance costs and time spent working on the car.

You can find out more at