This Allergy Season, Stay Alert to Drowsy Driving Dangers

(ARA) - Summer is fast approaching, bringing sunshine, vacation days and trips to the beach.

But the warmer weather also marks a peak in seasonal allergies and the beginning of a busy driving season. According to a recent survey, many Americans (44%) report that they typically drive more during the summertime, from Memorial Day through Labor Day, than any other season of the year.

This year, the makers of the non-drowsy allergy medication Claritin are partnering with Lori Loughlin, a popular actress, mom, and allergy sufferer to raise awareness about the importance of reading medicine labels, including allergy medicines, to see if there are any warnings about drowsiness before they get behind the wheel.

Like many working moms, Lori spends hours each day shuttling her children to school, activities, and play-dates in the high-traffic Los Angeles area.

With her most precious cargo in the back seat, it's important to Lori that she’s focused behind the wheel.

“As an allergy sufferer, I was surprised to learn that some over-the-counter medicines may cause drowsiness. In fact, the allergy medicine I used to take made me drowsy.

I thought there was something wrong with me because I was so sleepy - which was pretty dangerous considering all the driving I do with my kids, said Lori.

“Then I discovered Claritin, which relieves my worst allergy symptoms for 24 hours without making me drowsy. When you spend as much time driving as I do, you need to be focused.”

Lori is not alone -- in fact many drivers don’t realize that some common over-the-counter medicines could cause drowsiness.

According to a recent survey, four in 10 Americans (38%) report that there have been times when they were driving and realized that the medicine they had taken was making them drowsy.

Tips for Preventing Drowsy Driving

* Always remember to check medicine labels, including allergy medicines, for warnings about drowsiness before getting behind the wheel

* Avoid driving if you’re feeling drowsy

* Schedule breaks during long trips or arrange for a travel companion

* Get adequate sleep

* Stop driving if you start feeling drowsy behind the wheel

For more tips on safe driving and to learn more about treating allergies, visit