Back-to-School Drivers, Watch for Wet Roads

(NewsUSA) - In the fall, when teenage drivers go back to school, wet and icy weather tails their back bumper.

Inexperienced drivers facing slippery roads can make costly mistakes.

According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics, nearly one million vehicle accidents a year happen in wet weather.

Young drivers, as much as they might like the excuse, don't need to call in sick everytime it rains or freezes.

The experts at Bridgestone Firestone offer these tips to keep teenage drivers safe on wet and icy roads:

- Slow Your Roll.

In wet or icy weather, safe driving means driving below the speed limit. Driving too quickly means a longer stopping distance, which can be dangerous on slippery roads. Driving slowly can also reduce the risk of hydroplaning.

- Know When to Use Your Brakes.

In wet weather, slamming the brakes on a hydroplaning car can cause drivers to lose control. If you feel your car begin to hyrdoplane, don't hit your brakes. Just remove your foot from the accelerator and steer your car while it gradually slows down. If you have a manual transmission, push in the clutch until you regain control of your car.

In winter weather, you need to use your brakes more aggressively in emergencies. In a car with an Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS), hit the brakes hard, then hold them down. An ABS will let you steer your car while you brake.

- Take Steps for Safety.

In dim conditions, put on your lights so that other drivers can see you. If you are entering a turn, slow down and brake gently before you enter the turn, so your car won't skid.

- Drive Defensively.

Plan the best route to your destination. Try to avoid hills, busy areas and bridges. Anticipate cars coming from side streets and allow extra distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. If someone is riding your bumper, don't speed up -; maintain your pace and let them go around you.

As an extra safety precaution, store the name and telephone number of an emergency contact in your cell phone under the name "ICE." This acronym stands for "in case of emergency" and helps rescue personnel quickly locate a friend or family member.

For more wet and winter weather driving tips from Bridgestone Firestone, visit