Choosing a Car Insurance Company

These days, you can’t go five minutes while watching television without seeing the little lizard that is the mascot of you-know-who’s insurance company. On top of that, there are so many different types of insurance companies that it makes it nearly impossible to decide which is the best type of coverage for you. Everywhere you look you can see and hear about insurance companies: on the radio while driving down the road, during the commercial of your favorite show on Monday night, and even online, where each company is boasting that it has the lowest rates.

So, what do you do? How do you narrow it down? First, ask around. Start by questioning your friends or family members about where they go for insurance, how much the rates are, and how intensively the agent covers the important details. Make a list of the insurance company’s names and contact information and grab a notebook to keep your own records of the premiums and deductibles.

Next, go to where you can get coverage: an agent in your neighborhood an insurance company that is online and has an 800 number. Many people recommend going directly to an agent instead of dealing with a direct market company because they are more thorough in configuring what type of coverage is best for which person or family.

The bonus to getting car insurance through a direct market company is the convenience, which is quite possibly the reason it’s so popular. Many insurance companies offer free quotes for coverage that a person can get in a short phone call or by spending a few minutes on the Internet typing in important information. Coverage can often be purchased online, and some insurance companies provide rate quotes for a handful of other insurance providers at the same time to give clients more options and comparison.

To find an agent in your neighborhood, check the phone book’s yellow pages or ask your friends and neighbors about local agents with good reputations. Avoid insurance providers who ask you to buy unnecessary coverage. With an agent, you get to work one-one-one with a certified insurance consultant who will try to find the best possible coverage to suit your needs at your budget. Also with an agent, when you have a claim to file you are able to deal directly with your agent about that claim. Basically, if there are any problems that develop, you have a person to go to instead of just calling a 1-800 number or logging onto a website.

To save money when buying car insurance, make sure to shop around and get as many insurance quotes as you can from as many different providers as possible. Second, get the highest deductible that you feel comfortable with, because the higher the deductible, the lower your premium and monthly payments will be. Many insurance companies offer multicar discounts, better rates for good drivers, and discounts for safety features like air bags, so that’s something else to keep in mind.