Make A Resolution To Cut Automotive Costs In The New Year

Make a resolution to cut automotive costs in the new year by paying attention to your vehicle maintenance.

(ARA) - An annual tradition, Americans have their minds on resolutions for the New Year. While most hope to loosen their pants, others try to tighten their belt. Whether it is through eating out less, shopping less or traveling less, most try to cut costs in their life, timed to the change in the calendar.

Your vehicle can be a great "vehicle" to save money in 2010. By implementing some simple tips, you can save some serious cash in the New Year by paying attention to your vehicle's health.

After their homes, most Americans' second-largest financial investment is their vehicle, so helping it stay in good working order for as long as possible should be a top priority.

But, since money is often tight in the given economy, you may be reluctant to spend on services or maintenance that you think can be put off at least for the short term. Such decisions, however, could potentially shorten the life of a vehicle, decrease its fuel efficiency or even put you and your family at risk.

To be prepared for the winter months ahead, here's a simple checklist of tips you should perform to help keep your vehicle running longer, safer and more cost-effectively:

* Check That Tread:

The economy has forced many to postpone tire purchases, but with the current winter conditions and unpredictable wet spring weather ahead, now is not the time to have low tread on your tires. The lower the tread depth, the less traction you will have on wet roads, and the greater the distance you will need to stop. Advances in tire technology are helping deliver a new generation of moderately priced tires that offer the all-season traction and long tread wear consumers have come to expect, but with enhanced rolling resistance to help save money on gas. For example, the proprietary tread compound used in Goodyear's new Assurance Fuel Max tires helps save 2,600 miles worth of gas over the life of a set of tires.

* Watch For Inflation:

As temperatures change, so can tire pressure. Proper tire inflation is essential for increased automotive safety, optimum driving performance and significant cost savings, including better fuel mileage. Tires should be inflated to the vehicle manufacturer recommendations printed on the vehicle door placard or in the glove box and should be checked monthly. Over-inflation can lead to premature or irregular tire wear and under-inflation reduces a vehicle's fuel efficiency by an average of 3.3 percent.

* Breathe Free:

Replacing a dirty air filter can increase a vehicle's life expectancy and fuel efficiency by reducing the strain on the engine, especially during warmer months. Over the winter months, salt, sand and other impurities may build up in a vehicle's air filtration system and could be robbing it of as much as 10 percent in fuel efficiency.

* Keep It Clean:

Consumers' cars, trucks or SUVs are likely weathering the harsh conditions and corrosive elements associated with winter, including freezing rain, snow, ice, sand and salt. Keeping vehicles clean will help protect them from the chemicals and dirt that may attack the car's finish and undercarriage. Be sure to use quality cleaners and waxes specifically designed for handling a car's finish as regular dish soap will actually break down your wax and could harm the underlying paint.

* Keep It Flowing:

Oil is the lifeblood of the engine, helping to keep it running efficiently and effectively. Not sure what oil to use? Defer to a professional or use the grade of motor oil recommended by the vehicle manufacturer to achieve optimum engine protection and fuel efficiency.

For more helpful car care advice or information on tires for cars, light trucks, SUVs and more, visit your local Goodyear retailer or go online to