Debunking Hybrid Myths

(NC)-Climate change is top of mind, and hybrid cars are becoming an icon for environmental awareness among Canadian consumers. But hybrid technology has evolved quickly, and it's still a mystery for many Canadians.

Myth #1:

Hybrids need to be plugged in

Hybrid vehicles do not need to be plugged in. Hybrids, like Toyota's Prius, are designed to efficiently capture and store otherwise wasted energy from coasting or braking. This energy is then used to recharge the battery pack while driving, meaning that today's hybrids don't have to be plugged in.

Myth #2:

Hybrids need a different kind of gas

The majority of hybrids run on regular gasoline. You fill up the gas tank of a hybrid the same as you would a regular car, but hybrids travel more kilometres on less fuel. They also emit almost 70% fewer smog-forming emissions than typical new vehicles.

Myth #3:

A hybrid doesn't perform as well

Today's hybrids combine efficiency with power and performance. According to Pierre Millette, national manager at Toyota Canada Inc., Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive system automatically determines the right configuration of gas engine vs. electric motor power distribution. This means there's no trade-off between fuel efficiency and power.

Myth #4:

Hybrids are a fad

Hybrids are here to stay. Growing environmental concerns and rising gas prices are convincing more and more Canadians to choose a hybrid. Thanks to the federal and provincial government's fuel efficiency rebates, drivers who buy a hybrid may be eligible for up to $4,000, making it an even more popular choice.