Gas Mileage and Speeding

All over the media there can be found hype for improving gas mileage, thus helping to save money in the current gasoline price wars. Some of these tips are useful in preserving your wallet from starvation; others don’t do much to change the situation.

One thing drivers can easily change to keep gas costs down is how they drive. Believe it or not how the vehicle is operated has a lot to do with how efficiently the car uses its fuel source. Consider changing certain driving habits and the money will start to flow back where it belongs, in your pocket.

Speeding is probably the biggest driving bad habit that costs drivers hundreds of dollars every year. Between speeding tickets and loss of fuel efficiency, this is one habit that needs to be broken. It makes sense that the faster the car is moving the more gas it needs to maintain that speed.

Driving 10 mph faster than the speed limit increases fuel consumption by 20%. Increase speed to 20 mph faster than necessary and the extra gas wastage climbs to 25%. Obviously this behavior isn’t going to save you money in the long, or short run for that matter. Stay within the speed limit to stretch your fuel budget further.

Another driving tip that will help you save at the pumps is to use your car’s overdrive gears. This is especially important in highway driving. The engine speed decreases and serves the dual purpose of reducing engine wear and increasing fuel consumption. So on those long, highway trips, using the overdrive gears will help immensely.

Something else to keep in mind when driving on the highway is use of your vehicle’s cruise control function. How this feature works to save money in gas, it that it obviously keeps your speed constant. Maintaining a constant speed is incredibly beneficial in making the most of your car’s mpg capability.

This habit is a good one to have for a variety of reasons. Try to anticipate driving situations. If you can avoid unnecessary starting and braking, fuel usage can be improved by up to 10%. If possible plan trips for when traffic is consistently lighter.

In other words, don’t decide that 6pm on a weekday is a good time to run errands. Especially in city driving, you will end up wasting a lot of gas that way. Try to give the gas and brake pedals a rest as much as possible. The sudden starts and stops aren’t helpful in conserving gas.

As you can see changing some old habits as well as starting some new ones can be a great way to ensure your car is operating at its best possible performance. Not only does it help with fuel efficiency, but also helps to prolong the life of your car and its engine.

With the current high gas prices that means good news for you. Slow down, take advantage of the features already available in your car and enjoy saving money when you drive.