How to Stay Safe on the Road this Season

(ARA) – Winter is upon us, bringing many much anticipated seasonal activities and trips to see loved ones. But along with the fun comes the danger of the ice storms, blizzards and slippery roads.

How often are you driving to work and you see the driver next to you bent over the wheel peering through the small circle they cleared of frost in the morning? On the other side there might be a driver whose wiper blades are so old or ice-crusted that they provide only one small streak of clear windshield for visibility.

Driving in this manner not only endangers your fellow drivers, but yourself and the passengers in your vehicle. Coping with winter’s visibility issues cannot be handled with a quick swipe of your credit card on the window or by turning the wiper blades on high.

“Seeing clearly is one of the most important aspects of safe driving, particularly in those difficult winter months,” said Jim Weiler, automotive visibility expert and owner of Everblades, an innovative custom windshield wiper blade company. “If you can’t see the road in front and around you, it doesn’t matter how good your tires or brakes are.”

Start by taking enough time to clear away any frost, ice or snow from all your windows. Don’t forget, you need a 360-degree view from your vehicle so be sure to clear mirrors and any frost inside as well. But what else can drivers do to stay safe?

An easy solution to dangerous winter visibility issues that arise from snow and ice is Everblades heated windshield wiper blades. Everblades have been “trucker-tested” and proved in Sierra Nevada snowstorms, Great Plains blizzards and throughout the Midwest where 200 to 300 inches of snow fall annually.

“I swear by them. I wouldn’t want to drive through the mountains in the winter or in any blizzards without them on,” comments Marv F., a truck driver for Long Haul.

Everblades are a step up from regular wiper blades because of the specially designed squeegee and heating system. Working with the existing vehicle defroster system, the blades prevent snow and ice buildup with temperatures reaching 150 to 200 degrees and work even at 40 degrees below zero. These blades are controlled by an illuminated, dash-mounted toggle switch and hook up to the vehicle’s 12-volt electrical system. Visit to learn more about this technology.

Everblades are used commercially by truck drivers, bus drivers and others as well as those commuting on the road. The blades work on most vehicles including those with curved and flat windshields. Installation takes about 30 minutes.

“We often get feedback from customers asking why these aren’t standard on all vehicles. Truckers brag about being able to stay on the road when others have to pull off to remove ice and snow buildup. Our main objective is safety, and Everblades help every driver get to their destination safely,” Weiler comments.

So as you put on your hat and gloves before leaving, spend the time to clear off your windows and keep them cleared off with heated wiper blades. Safe driving this winter starts with a clear vision of the road.

Everblades heated windshield wipers are guaranteed for a year but can last up to 5 to 6 years. For more information and to order Everblades heated windshield wipers visit