Prepare Your Vehicle For Winter Weather

(NC)-With the winter season upon us, it is important to take the time to ensure that both you and your vehicle are road-ready and prepared for winter weather.

The automotive team at Canadian Tire has put together some tips to help motorists prepare for the coming winter:


. To have visibility during all winter weather conditions, it is important to have the right necessities available.

. Keep a snow brush and ice scraper in your vehicle at all times during the winter months.

. If your car is often parked outdoors during the winter, invest in a winter windshield cover to keep snow, frost and ice off of your windshield.

. Top-up on windshield fluid for extreme temperatures and always keep an extra jug in the trunk.


. Prior to the start of any new season, make an appointment to have your vehicle fully serviced, especially prior to winter, when weather elements can affect many performance elements of the vehicle.

. Have your battery and charging system checked to ensure it will have enough power to start the car on cold mornings. For added security, keep an Eliminator Solar Panel on hand. It will ensure your battery is charged and ready for an easy start, despite the weather or temperature.

. Check wiper blades for signs of wear and cracking and replace if necessary. Better yet, change to heavy-duty winter blades like Teflon wiper blades.

. Extreme cold is hard on the engine oil. An oil change and new filter are good ideas for the change in season. Ask for the Quaker State winter motor oil which helps cold engines start easier and gets to critical engine parts quickly in extreme cold.

Keep Warm

. Keep yourself and your vehicle warm with heated seats, cushions and steering wheel cover.

. Avoid the discomfort of climbing into a freezing cold car by investing in a remote starter. Most have a built-in alarm, keyless entry and a 500 foot range, which means that warming up the car is a snap, without ever having to leave the warmth of your home or office.

Pack a Vehicle Emergency Kit:

. Keep the following items on-hand in your car, in the event you are ever stuck or stranded:

- Cell phone

- Emergency Car Starter

- Gloves and hat

- Shovel

- Flashlight

- Jumper cables