What is The Hyanide and How Does it Work?

What if you were able to take your vehicle off-road, like an ATV, on the highway like a motorcycle, and through the forest mazes and snow like a snowmobile does? In the not so near future then you may want to learn all about the Hyanide.

In fact, the Hyanide is only a concept vehicle right now but individuals are speculating that auto manufacturers will be interested in producing a vehicle just like it in the coming years.

The Hyanide is an all-terrain vehicle that combines many of the vehicles that are used in the ATV, motorcycle, and snowmobile alike. Even though this isn't a typical motorcycle or vehicle in any sense of the word, the Hyanide has plenty of options as far as transportation goes.

For starters, this concept vehicle has been created and designed by Tilmann Schlootz and Oliver Keller, but they themselves have no plans for taking this vehicle into production. An interesting fact to note about the Hyanide is that it was so named because this vehicle’s design reminded them of a crouching hyena.

One of the important features of the Hyanide include having rubber on the bottom where the wheels would be placed, except there would actually be no wheels to the system. Instead of wheels, the rubber track would go around the bottom of a vehicle much like an army tank that soldiers use.

However, the rubber track on the bottom of the Hyanide is composed of the same rubber that's used for tires so that it would be much like driving on roadways. But the track would rotate around several wheel-like components so that traveling over snow and forest-terrain would be no problem.

In addition, the Hyanide would have a completely revamped driving system that is completely different from normal ATV systems and motorcycles. For example, if you want to turn left while driving on the Hyanide then the driver would need to steer left while putting pressure backwards and in the opposite direction. On the other hand, the same would go for right turns and the steering would be done in the opposite directions.

As far as the engine goes, the Hyanide's concept would be able to handle any engine in the automobile market today and could even fit other engine-types, like hydrogen fuel cells. But the top speed that the Hyanide is able to handle that Schlootz and Keller have designed is just 85 miles per hour. However, if the vehicle was actually put in production there would definitely be changes made that would allow the vehicle to travel at higher speeds.

Nevertheless, the Hyanide is a complete all-terrain vehicle that many people have viewed as the future of the automobile industry. While not exactly a car or a truck, this concept car design has many implications for motorcycles, ATVs, and snowmobiles that will be designed in the future. The Hyanide is definitely an inspiration for many automakers and gives them something to work toward for a revolution in the industry!