How To Replace Your Windshield Wiper Blades

Most of us have figured out windshield wiper blades are not something we think about, until they don't work. You are driving, it begins to rain, you switch on the wipers, and you still can't see. Then you remember, you meant to change them, but didn't. This is a good fall car maintenance point you will want to make a routine since you will need your wipers in good condition for the winter weather ahead.

The first time you replace your wipers may not be as easy as it sounds, but once you have figured out what to do, it will be a quick and simple maintenance function you can do quickly.

First,go to the auto parts store, or your favorite online car part site, and buy the new windshield wipers. Make sure you purchased the correct ones for your car.

There is usually a manual around to check the make and year of your car with the model number for the wipers. Make sure you get the entire replacement blade, not just the rubber insert.

Read all the directions in the package so you can understand how to take off the old wiper and replace it with this new one. You should bring a small screwdriver with you in case you need it.

Gently pull up the windshield wiper arm on your car. Following the directions remove the old wiper. There may be a screw you have to remove, but usually you just have to press the sides of your wiper arm, and pull it off. The directions should help you with this.

When the old wiper blade is removed, slide in the new blade where you removed the old one. You may hear a snap or click noise when the new blade is in place. Replace the screw back in if there is one, or you are done.

Give a slight pull on the wiper blades to make sure it is properly connected and will not work its way off when in use.

Put the windshield wiper arm gently back down on the windshield.

The trickiest part of the process is getting the old wiper off. Once you do that you will know where to press or unscrew and the new one slides right on.