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AC Compressor/ Water pump

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Feb 23, 2014, 8:56 AM

Post #1 of 3 (2117 views)
AC Compressor/ Water pump Sign In

My wife's car (08 Corolla) broke down and we had it towed into Merchants. The water pump had gone bad and the serpentine belt had shredded along the way. Additionally coolant had leaked all over and had shavings in it from the belt. When we got the repairs finished there was a faint knocking noise coming from the general area of the repair. The tech and manager said it was normal/that the belt was wearing in. 2000 miles later the noise has gotten worse and more frequent. I took it back to another Merchants and they say the AC Compressor is going out and needs to be replaced. Could they have left something loose, done something wrong with the repair, or something else? Is this something they should take care of for me or something that just failed on the car? Thanks for the help.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 23, 2014, 9:50 AM

Post #2 of 3 (2098 views)
Re: AC Compressor/ Water pump Sign In

Quote ">>The tech and manager said it was normal/that the belt was wearing in.<<"

I disagree with that alone. If noise from wet pulleys somehow it should have subsided quickly. FYI, some belts are noisy by either defect or just a bad line/batch. IDK - have put some on a quiet one just as routine and wild noise within a few minutes of use. Easy one and just old one saved back on all normal right away and another brand solved what really seemed like a mechanical failure which it wasn't.

Compressor now being blamed? Not so fast. Compressor is both an acting idle pulley and when engaged the shaft and guts of it are turning but that pulley is essentially no longer involved so noise would change if engaged or not.

IMO, you shouldn't have listened to any odd noise for 2,000 miles even if something needed a break-in that would be way too long. A few miles for assorted things then you question it.

What do you wish to do. Check some things yourself or just get another opinion from another tech/shop completely? Save me a novel on what I would be checking and how,


Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Feb 23, 2014, 4:44 PM

Post #3 of 3 (2077 views)
Re: AC Compressor/ Water pump Sign In

Without being able to see or hear the noise, it's a tough call to make online....

When belts "shred", they can do damage to other things that get in the way... As Tom has already said, a new belt shouldn't be making noise so it's doubtful it's the belt.

Sounds like you need a 2nd opinion here & a fresh set of eyes to look at your problem. Just tell them what happened,,,,The water pump and belt went out & now there is a knocking noise...That is really all the info they need to know to help them find the problem...

If the knock is getting worse then it needs to be fixed regardless...

Things you can do yourself would be to turn the a/c on & then off, turn the wheels from stop to stop, switch from drive to reverse to see if that makes any difference on the noise....If doing something can get the noise to change pitch, that usually helps in finding the problem....


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