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Knocking when I turn, very loud exhaust

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New User

Sep 28, 2005, 10:50 AM

Post #1 of 3 (3720 views)
Knocking when I turn, very loud exhaust Sign In

Hi! Newbe here and I need some help. My 2000 Ford Escort ZX2 has had a ton of problems since I purchased it new. Now that its paid off the problems are multiplying. Unsure I was hit in the rear passenger side quarter panel creating minor damage. At the body shop I told them I was hearing a knocking when I took a right turn, coming from the tire area right where I was hit. They told me it was my seat belts knocking within the car, that I should buckle them when they are not in use.Crazy Yea I'm a blonde but I'm not stupid. Anyway, they couldn't hear what I was hearing and suggested I take it to the dealer. I did this and they said it was my rotors. Replaced those and $550 later I'm still hearing the noise, even worse now. It doesn't help that today I got an inspection and although it passed, they tell me I have a hole in my muffler. I knew it was louder than before, but the last oil change, the dealer checked for exhaust leaks and said I didn't have any. I only hear the knocking sound when I'm turning and when I have some weight in the car, when I'm the only passenger I don't hear it. Whadya think? Also, if you can tell me, how much do you think something like this will cost me?

Thanks much!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Sep 28, 2005, 3:17 PM

Post #2 of 3 (3711 views)
Re: Knocking when I turn, very loud exhaust Sign In

Just a thought - you said there was a collision and sometimes exhaust parts get bent or a hanger is broken.

To test this out with a heavy leather glove - wiggles on the tail pipe and see what happens. Shouldn't make any clunking sounds - do that with engine off first. Then try plugging up the tail pipe with a towel or shop rag and see is there's hissing and stuff going on. Keep the gloves on for this trick too. --- doesn't usually get so hot as to cause a problem with a towel but do that where you can just throw it to a safe place if for some reason it burns. A minute is plenty for that test , perhaps much less if you hear hissing - just don't burn yourself!!!!!

PS: Sorry about your dismay with a car company but don't blame you. So much of it is the mechanics you have and the dealership for any make. One of the most dependable cars I've ever owned was a 1976 AMC Matador! Talk about an ugly car!! It never let me down though. I think that car was listed as one of the worst. Routine stuff, yes, surprises, NO, T

New User

Sep 29, 2005, 5:21 AM

Post #3 of 3 (3708 views)
Re: Knocking when I turn, very loud exhaust Sign In

Thanks Tom! Smile I will try that tonight and see what happens. Yeah I have bad luck when it comes to finding a good mechanic! They see me coming a mile away, and usually take advantage of my lack of knowledge in this area. I'd love to take a class on mechanics just so I could know when someones trying to put one over on me.

Hey I'm in Mass too! Go Sox!! This weekend will be interesting to see what transpires, huh?! Have a good one, I'll let you know what happens with the test you suggested.


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