1996 Cutlass Supreme Wiring Help
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Jul 23, 2007, 1:32 PM
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1996 Cutlass Supreme Wiring Help
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OK, kinda long story, but my friend tried to wire my cd player directly and ripped out my car wiring harness, needless to say it didnt work so i went to a junk yard and got a new one, spliced them together, and then bought a new wiring harness to connect my cd player. I hooked it up and it didnt work, i checked the fuses and i had burnt out my radio fuse, i replaced it and it still wouldnt work, then i found out that if i connect both my constant and my switched power wires from my cd player to only the constant in the car, it works fine. so something is still wrong with my switched power wire, does it have an in line fuse somewhere or is it on a seperate fuse from the constant. Help PLZ
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