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'06 focus fuse box replacement

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Jan 21, 2009, 6:26 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1284 views)
'06 focus fuse box replacement Sign In

Hello everyone, Dealer suggested to replace the SJB Module (Fuse Box) as it is rusted due to water cost (more than $600)...can't afford.

I found the SJB module from a junk yard and plan to replace it by myself. Anyone knows if it is easier to do it and I won't blow up anything, and also whether my vehicle key will work with the new module or not, I only have one key? or if I'll need to visit the dealer again. They already skimmed $95 just to tell me that I've to replace SJB. ANy response is highly appreciated

DrElectrics profile image

Jan 22, 2009, 1:41 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1276 views)
post icon Re: '06 focus fuse box replacement Sign In

If you are not electronically minded replacing the fuse box on a vehicle is something you might want to give a miss. It is the hub of most of your electrics. If there is one wire out then it will effect something dramatically! Your car is not under warranty being only 3 yrs old? DO NOT TAKE TO DEALER for replacement, take it to an indpendent mechanic. But be sure to ask the question 1st "how long will it take?, and roughly how much to do the job?"

Don't risk it.


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