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1993 gmc 2500

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Feb 8, 2023, 10:41 PM

Post #1 of 4 (1555 views)
1993 gmc 2500 Sign In

Yesterday I went to start the truck I didn't really hear anything but I lost all voltage to the cab. I cannot turn the headlights on the radio will not turn on. I only use the truck as a work truck. I do know the starter needs to be changed out which will be done this weekend. If the starter went completely out it would not cause me to lose all voltage? I checked the battery it's good 12.8 volts and I checked the fuses which are all good. I'm hoping someone can help me and point me in a direction to check things. You can ask me anything and I will reply.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 9, 2023, 12:15 AM

Post #2 of 4 (1537 views)
Re: 1993 gmc 2500 Sign In

Work truck only? What engine in this? The cast iron 5.7s a couple broke off corner of where starter mounts it worked too hard to start them.

Other is 12.8 is info just not complete. If even off and something works like headlights or blower to dash how long or low voltage holds is a clue only to power (AMPS) of the battery.

Side post batteries have historically fooled the show only low power gets thru burns wires - fuse box goes fubar or connector block thru firewall greased up new OMG 30 years ago so it's open book where to find a problem or find out starter plain BROKE itself or something??

Moral of story: Work truck only still needs attention to crude basics. Oil good, antifreeze changed on time. Has a fan clutch good for 5 years +/- then just marginal if bearing still OK.

IDK it's in frontof you not me but "worked only" trucks/cars too" need the basic or croak too.

Keep looking for issue you may want to bail out on it, just make sure you find the fatal issue or get lucky find crossed electrical items at that block feeds power to fused inside cab.

Good news if you wish to fix stuff at any cost it's worth it if not a rust bucket, parts available forever for trucks usually,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Feb 9, 2023, 4:47 AM

Post #3 of 4 (1529 views)
Re: 1993 gmc 2500 Sign In

There should be multiple fusible links at the starter. If any one of them is burnt or disconnected you will lose all power.

Go to the starter and find the small wires attached to it. Pull on each one and if any of them stretch they are burnt out and need to be replaced.

This is special meltaway wire and should not be replaced with regular wire. You can purchase fuse wire at the parts store to replace it with.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 9, 2023, 7:02 AM

Post #4 of 4 (1515 views)
Re: 1993 gmc 2500 Sign In

Br re-read by me. You are replacing starter anyway think it's bad before this issue - right?

Suggest testing new starter and old if power (some auto parts outlets can put a load on starters for testing) and do the new one if called for defects abound.

Yes those wires totally matter feed the rest the Bat+ power.


If and only if that block I mentioned all power to interior lost but it did start up as I recall nothing else working.

Luck - found it first check (road call) power outside none to anything inside that's how that one was. It was an outdoor thing GM truck base same era. Why? IDK it got wet or removed before not regreased a white almost bubble gum turns yellow then hardens up with age/heat. Nothing passed thru critical power supply.

The side posts at battery. The bolt touches the battery the eyet inside can disapear if not greased and or wire alone length of it can corrode last years of 100% copper a green crust to bust bloat wire follow the pos to starter, neg goes to engine block and should also to body metal nearby. Beware of the bolt that holds battery if there still it will bust can't control it unless well faked all would corrode OE batteries spit acid current ones don't.

Those will repeatedly fail at age if not greased use proper grease but anything it came new with nothing there.

Those just pattern failures of GM other makes have theirs none are perfect '93 not my fav year but most aren't, Tom


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