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2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem

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Mar 11, 2010, 7:29 AM

Post #1 of 30 (10935 views)
  post locked   2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

I have a 2000 Dodge Stratus with 2.4 liter engine. About 4 weeks ago we were out and the car just quit with no warning after about an hour of driving and wouldn't start. After about 5 minutes it started back up but died again after a couple minutes. It did this several times so we left the car and got a ride home. Returned to the car 2 hours later and it started up and I drove it home with no problems. Didn't use the car at all for 2 weeks except to idle it in driveway which it would do for long periods of time with no problem and then I did drive the car and had the exact same issues as it quit on me after about an hour of driving. Let the car sit for 2 hours and then drove it home with no issues. Today I got in the car without even warming it up and drove only 5 minutes and had the same problems. I have changed both camshaft and crankshaft position sensors in the last 4 months due to another problem. Really need some help on this as I'm really confused. Forgot to mention that I swapped out the fuel pump relay and ASD relay yesterday. Really strange that it quit so fast today as it was only 5 minutes of driving and I hadn't even warmed the car up just came out started it up and left where the other incidents took place after about an hour and half of driving the car both times. I also swapped the black ignition module box and installed new spark plugs over the weekend. I'm really desperate as I'm unemployed and this is our only car and we need it as we drive my son to school as he can't ride the bus. Thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help. There are no codes being thrown when scanned and the check engine light has never come on and the car runs perfect when running and then it just quits

(Simply removed hypertext links)

(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Mar 15, 2010, 3:10 AM)

Ray Keeling
New User

Mar 11, 2010, 7:39 PM

Post #2 of 30 (10916 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

I just had the exact same problem, but with my chrysler, I did all that you did, exact symtoms as you described, and turned out to be the fuel pump itself. I was allways under the empression that a pump will just go out 100%, but it also now seems that the pump will slow down or loose prime when it heats up. Run a fuel pressure gauge the whole time its running, and see if the pressure drops just before the engine stalls. If it does, chances are its the pump.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Mar 11, 2010, 9:43 PM

Post #3 of 30 (10914 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Ray has an excellent point and may be on the right track. But I see your post on pretty much every board on this site. Please only post in one spot with a problem in the future. It will be attended to but when its all over the site you have to track multiple spots for replys. Just makes life confusing. Get the pressure gauge handy for when it screws up. Pressure drop at time of trouble will confirm your issue or rule it out.


Mar 12, 2010, 4:58 AM

Post #4 of 30 (10911 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

I've already checked the fuel pressure and it seemed okay but I'll check it again. What exactly should I do? As far as checking for pressure right before it stalls is going to be impossible as there's no signs of stalling ahead of time it just happens, so should I check it when it's in the no start mode to see what the pressure is then as that's what I did before and there was no change. Sorry about posting all over the place but I'm so frustrated with this and just want to get it solved.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Mar 12, 2010, 5:20 AM

Post #5 of 30 (10910 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Posting all over will end up the slowest way! Had a mod caught that we would have removed all but one. (Edit - just took out all the others so this is only one)
Confuses the regulars as we can't see them all or responses at once. Check pressure while down as it would check normal when running fine,


(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Mar 12, 2010, 5:23 AM)


Mar 12, 2010, 5:41 AM

Post #6 of 30 (10904 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

I'll check it another time but fuel pressure was the same when it stalled out and wouldn't re-start as when it was running.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Mar 12, 2010, 5:54 AM

Post #7 of 30 (10902 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Not sure what your tester works like. Some may lock on last highest reading?? Start from zero. Another is to spray some starting fluid into throttle body and if it will even temporarily fire that's a strong clue to a lack of fuel delivery issue,



Mar 12, 2010, 7:03 AM

Post #8 of 30 (10895 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Never thought of that. Is there anyway I could check my tester to determine that?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Mar 12, 2010, 7:30 AM

Post #9 of 30 (10885 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

If (real ones should) have a bleed off hose to collect fuel in a container for a fresh test without getting gas all over the engine. Gauge should read ZERO at the beginning of test. Once with KOEO (key on engine of) listen for pump. Reset and if it's running take the operating pressure if possible.

Lack of fuel delivery is a test and still not totally conclusive but good to rule out as much as possible without just tossing parts as some solution,



Mar 13, 2010, 1:25 PM

Post #10 of 30 (10869 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Reset gauge to zero and with the key on but the engine not started pressure was reading right at 47-48, after 5 minutes it had dropped to 35. Does this tell us anything?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Mar 13, 2010, 3:19 PM

Post #11 of 30 (10862 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Dang - could bring up the exact spec but that sound fair so far. Perhaps another here has the range it should stay in. It should have started with that reading IMO,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Mar 13, 2010, 7:22 PM

Post #12 of 30 (10853 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

The fuel pressure spec on this engine is 49PSI. It isn't going to run at 30. You need to find out where your pressure is going. Determine if the pump is receiving constant 12 and if it is, look at the pump itself or a totally restricted line or filter.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Mar 14, 2010, 7:18 AM

Post #13 of 30 (10846 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Hey hammer, question for you. When the pressure is dropping down to 35 that's when the key is in the on position but the car's not running, does that matter? When the car's running it's right at 50 and maintains it never going below although the gauge does seem to jump around a little but always to the hi side but I'm thinking that's because I have everything removed from the throttle body because it wasn't doing that earlier in the week and everything was still intact on the throttle body. and when it stalls I re-set the gauge and try to re-start the car which it won't start but still get a reading of 50. I tried spraying carb cleaner in throttle body but car still wouldn't start at all. Now that the car has sat a few minutes it now starts so I'll have to wait until it dies again to re-check everything.

(This post was edited by daveyboy43 on Mar 14, 2010, 7:21 AM)

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Mar 14, 2010, 8:10 AM

Post #14 of 30 (10839 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

OK, that is a normal way for the fuel pressure to act. the pump gets a 2 second prime when the key is turned on but doesn't restart until it sees a tach signal. The fact that it isn't holding rest pressure could be important but you would have to find out which direction it's leaking back to.
You have to be losing something when it won't start and you have to determine if the spark is dropping out or not. You could also be getting a flooding situation if that fuel is leaking into the cylinders through a stuck injector or something like that but that should only effect one cylinder at a time.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Mar 14, 2010, 9:01 AM

Post #15 of 30 (10833 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Is there anything I could do to check along those lines? It's a nice day here so I'd like to do anything I can on the car while I'm off today. Also thank you for trying to help me solve this problem as this has become very stressful to my family being that this is our only car and being unemployed and on a very limited income I'm unable to take it to a shop and have them pay a guessing game until they find a answer if they even could and then hit me with a large repair bill, so you help and effort is greatly appreciated.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Mar 14, 2010, 9:05 AM

Post #16 of 30 (10830 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

I've already told you, find out what drops out when it won't start.

Here are the basics

All "crank, no start" conditions are approached in the same way. Every engine requires certain functions to be able to run. Some of these functions rely on specific components to work and some components are part of more than one function so it is important to see the whole picture to be able to conclude anything about what may have failed. Also, these functions can ONLY be tested during the failure. Any other time and they will simply test good because the problem isn't present at the moment.
If you approach this in any other way, you are merely guessing and that only serves to replace unnecessary parts and wastes money.

Every engine requires spark, fuel and compression to run. That's what we have to look for.

These are the basics that need to be tested and will give us the info required to isolate a cause.

1) Test for spark at the plug end of the wire using a spark tester. If none found, check for power supply on the + terminal of the coil with the key on.

2) Test for injector pulse using a small bulb called a noid light. If none found, check for power supply at one side of the injector with the key on.

3) Use a fuel pressure gauge to test for correct fuel pressure, also noticing if the pressure holds when key is shut off.

Once you have determined which of these functions has dropped out,
you will know which system is having the problem.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Mar 14, 2010, 9:17 AM

Post #17 of 30 (10826 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Okay I'll see what I can find out. How long should the fuel pressure hold after the engine is turned off?

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Mar 14, 2010, 10:11 AM

Post #18 of 30 (10823 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

It shouldn't drop more than 5PSI over 15 minutes if perfect.

You can determine which direction it's leaking by immediately pinching off a rubber spot in the feed line and if it still leaks, you have an injector problem since the regulator is in the tank on that one.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Mar 14, 2010, 1:03 PM

Post #19 of 30 (10813 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Ran car for 10 minutes and then shut it off. Fuel pressure was right at 50 when running and when I shut it off. It was holding fine after 5 minutes but after the 15 minutes it had dropped to 40.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Mar 14, 2010, 1:05 PM

Post #20 of 30 (10807 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

OK, you eliminated fuel supply as the cause.
Now you have to monitor spark and injector pulse as it stalls to see what they are doing.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Mar 14, 2010, 1:23 PM

Post #21 of 30 (10804 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Okay I'll give it a shot but please bear with me as these 2 things are something I've never done before so if you could give me the most simplified instructions you can I would be very grateful. Please remember you are a very skilled professional in this area and what is very basic to you might be a little confusing to me and I might wind up asking you what seems like a stupid question so please bear with me and again your help really is appreciated.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Mar 14, 2010, 3:51 PM

Post #22 of 30 (10792 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Just get an inline spark tester so it can be hooked up while your watching it and a noid light bulb that you plug into one of the injector plugs. You can get either one for under $10.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Mar 15, 2010, 4:38 PM

Post #23 of 30 (10620 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Checked for spark using screw driver and don't seem to be getting any.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Mar 15, 2010, 5:38 PM

Post #24 of 30 (10615 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

Finish the tests


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Mar 15, 2010, 5:49 PM

Post #25 of 30 (10610 views)
  post locked   Re: 2000 Dodge Stratus Stalling Problem  

I'll test the injectors tomorrow but the fuel pressure holds fine at 50 when running, when cars stalls out I re-set the gauge and attempt to start it's again at 50 but car won't start. Re-set gauge and then with key on but engine not running pressure is again 50. After running engine and turning it off pressures stays at 50 for about 5 to 7 minutes and after 15 minutes it reads in the low 40's.

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