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65 Mustang wont start

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Feb 14, 2014, 9:34 AM

Post #1 of 12 (3166 views)
65 Mustang wont start Sign In

I have a 65 Mustang/289 with 65,000 miles on it. Its been running fine and has started up fine in the past. Over the past year or two I have replaced the battery, alternator and starter.

Yesterday out of the blue the car simply wouldnt start. No typical clicking noise from a dead battery. Any time I tried to start it there was silence with the exception of a soft clicking (relay?) sound coming from the voltage regulator. I checked all the connections on the battery and solenoid switch and tightened up one connection on the switch but everything else was fine. Tried again. Same problem. Tried jumping the car, no luck.

It was late and I didnt want to leave the car in the parking lot overnight so I called for a tow. The tow driver asked me the typical questions, sat in the car, turned the key and engine started right up. Felt like an idiot but I explained to him I tried that 20 times with now luck. He checked the battery while the engine was running to see if it was charging and he said it was fine.

Should I replace the voltage regulator? Any other possibilities?



Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 9:44 AM

Post #2 of 12 (3158 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

I think you are just hearing the starter solenoid clicking away like a machine gun if you will. It would do that if it doesn't get adequate amps from the battery for any reason OR if the solenoid itself is just tired might be the problem. Doesn't need a voltage regulator or alternator at all just to start up so forget that.

Solenoid should be on fender first thing on the positive battery cable. Clean them all up. Leave this thing if at all possible on a constant, automatic "battery maintainer" for low use things they are great. Select only automatic ones that meaning they come on and shut down without tending to them at all.

You have to have a few things and the right storage of this or something will about always act up in rare use. This one should be basic IMO,


New User

Feb 14, 2014, 9:50 AM

Post #3 of 12 (3152 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

The soft click is definately coming from the Voltage regulator and there is no other sound(s). Its just a single soft click each time the ignition key is turned followed by complete silence.

The car is an every day driver so I'm pretty sure its not a battery issue.

I will cleanup and tighten everything on the solenoid switch and see if that helps.

Should I replace the solenoid? Theyre relatively inexpensive.

kev2 profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 10:19 AM

Post #4 of 12 (3142 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

this is such a basic design, a great learning project AND a classic too!
The head lights radio horn wipers are all working ?

did you try sysrting in N neutral?

This vwhicle could be stolen faster than I can explain- with a jumper or screw driver bridge the solenoid to starter terminanals - solenoid is round located on fender, follow battery cables.

a test light and a helper would be all you should need to troubleshoot


New User

Feb 14, 2014, 10:37 AM

Post #5 of 12 (3137 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

I didnt check the lights or wipers while I was having the problem but I did check the radio and it was fine.

What is the issue with Neutral vs Park? The reason I asked is that if there is a switch assoicated with that, that could be a problem. Because the only thing I changed from when it wouldnt start for me to when it did start for the tow driver was to put the car in neutral and roll it back 20 feet and put it back in park so it would be ready for the tow truck.

What does putting it in Neutral do in regard to the electrical system?

If I experience the problem again, I will try my test light across the solenoid (any other spots?). Didn't have it last night and now the car seems fine.



PS: Very easy to steal. Like the old VW bugs with the back of the ignition switch exposed in the front trunk.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 10:45 AM

Post #6 of 12 (3136 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

That's the regulator. There's points inside those that are adjustable that could make noise (light) by don't think that alone would prevent the starter from cranking with a good battery and connections with this thing even unplugged - been a while fussing with those so forgive me.
Trigger wire on the solenoid if empowered by a simple jumper clip would crank the engine if empowered. I think the little wire on that marked "S" just pushes on but over the years might have been changed. Forget the other small wire for just getting starter to crank - another reason not this problem.

All connections from battery and think jus three cables, two positive, short one to solenoid then longer to starter and one to engine block. All those need be good plus the block get ground either direct from battery with a wire or assorted bare straps with eyelet ends thru the car to enable assorted stuff.

That's it. If starter doesn't crank we dig into where the power flow stops but for now think this is just connections. Hey - is messing with them yourself disconnect negative battery post first before touching anything else electrical and back on last when you finish. This should not be a real tough problem to chase down if more than just a clean up as said,


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 10:47 AM

Post #7 of 12 (3131 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

You posted before I finished. Still go thru all connections just because of time if nothing else. They sure can be intermittent on you.

Starter alone takes power all the rest of anything is diddle to run in comparison as you can see the cables are tons larger to the starter,


kev2 profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 12:09 PM

Post #8 of 12 (3123 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

 the engine will only start in Park or Neutral - there is a switch "neutral safety" is one of the names used to describe it.
common part and they do give problems, sometimes adjustment is out or just worn out (1965).

Starting in N or wiggiling the shifter helps then suspect the switch....

Goo d luck and there are lots of techs who would love to work a 1965 mustang SO visit often

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 1:11 PM

Post #9 of 12 (3118 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

Good thought kev2. I was caught up with a noise at voltage regulator not thinking of a neutral safety switch. TMK none of these if standard shift had to have clutch depressed, T

New User

Feb 14, 2014, 3:30 PM

Post #10 of 12 (3104 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

Thanks for all the great info!

It was the neutral safety switch. The car has been fine since coming home last night. I pulled the shifter slightly out of P and tried to start it. The same soft click from the voltage regulator and nothing else. I put it in fully in park and it started right up.

I messed around for a while seeing how far out of P it has to be and its not that much but enough. I never had this problem before and I'm guessing the switch might be getting old but if your make sure its completely in P, there is no problem.

Thanks again and I will be taking the car into the shop next week to get the door internals spruced up. The locks, window levers etc are 50 years old and act like it.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 3:35 PM

Post #11 of 12 (3102 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

That's a typical Ford. That was common in the older ones.

It may not be the switch at fault. Sometimes the linkage gets worn and doesn't pull the trans lever far enough.


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(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Feb 14, 2014, 3:38 PM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 14, 2014, 10:58 PM

Post #12 of 12 (3091 views)
Re: 65 Mustang wont start Sign In

Yes - a couple decades of assorted Fords you had to fiddle with shifter to enable starter. You can adjust it some to start but be warned that many could lose it and start in REVERSE such that you took off right away by surprise not so funny if thru a garage door or worse!

Recall of mid 1970s was to put a sticker on dash (not joking) and only attempt starting with parking brake firmly set AND hold brakes not really fix the problem. More common with the column shifters than console ones but about all were funky even when newer and not from any normal wear out. Whatever the fix beware of that.

Regulator making noise I'm not sure of just yet? If just noise and working but annoying I think the next generation one without moving parts inside will just plug in and mount in same place at the original - check on that. If same plug pattern it should work just fine and so did the originals except moisture could get inside those,



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