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88 Ram W100 erratic rpm.

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Feb 12, 2009, 8:16 AM

Post #1 of 3 (1244 views)
88 Ram W100 erratic rpm. Sign In

88 Dodge Ram W100, 5.2 TBI, 125,000miles.
I bought this truck a week ago. It has been in numerous shops before I bought it.
Problem is- The engine rpm is erractic (or lopes) between idle and full throttle. When full throttle it clears out and goes on. When driving, anything past 25% pedal bogs the engine down, but you can floor it, and it will go. Anything less than full throttle, it bogs again.
Sometimes it will idle without loping.
I guess this is a intermittent problem, because after replacing a 02 sensor and a map sensor, and dissconnecting the battery cable monday, I drove it two days with no problems. It was normal.
This is what has been done to the truck- new ecm, map, 02, fuel pump, tps, idle control module, temp sensor, vacuum check, fuel pressure check, I think the pickup in the distributor was replaced also, and I have even losened and moved the distributor back and forth with no change in loping.
I believe this is a normal cause on these trucks, because I have seen this problem on other forums with no fix.
Any information will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance.

Todd Norton

Feb 15, 2009, 5:05 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1233 views)
post icon Re: 88 Ram W100 erratic rpm. Sign In

if your truck has an egr valve which im almost sure it does (located right rear of engine next to the distributor ) you may want to check it as they are quite problematic and can cause intermittant problems you may want to lightly tap it with a screw driver handle or temporarily disconnect and plug the vacuum source to it , the pressure transducers fail frequently hope this helps ...Todd

Veteran / Moderator
way2old profile image

Feb 15, 2009, 5:18 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1231 views)
Re: 88 Ram W100 erratic rpm. Sign In

Has the Idle stop solenoid been adjusted properly? If it is not properly adjusted, it will search for the idle and constantly extend and retract.

Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds


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