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99 Grand Prix clicks on start

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Apr 7, 2014, 7:41 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1809 views)
99 Grand Prix clicks on start Sign In

Went to store came back out and only a click sound when I tried to the start car. Replaced the starter, still had click only. Engine hand turned fine. voltage from battery to starter fine. Ignition switch metered fine. Fuses came back fine. Took starter back to store they tried it said it was fine. I replaced and let it dangle, started engine and worked fine.. replaced it into position, only get a click when starting. Bought new battery thinking not enough charge, put it together, only click. Terminals were good but cleaned and tightened. Checked ground was good.

(This post was edited by aasf on Apr 7, 2014, 7:42 PM)

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Apr 7, 2014, 10:30 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1781 views)
Re: 99 Grand Prix clicks on start Sign In

Did you remove the bolt and clean in there? Those ends like to hold in corrosion and you could have just enough oxides to cause you issues.

You say you have a DVOM, which is good. I need you to do a voltage drop test. Put one test lead on the battery positive and the other on the starter at the battery lug. Have someone try to start the car. By being on both ends of the power lead your meter will read the difference in readings under load. Repeat on the ground side. A ground issue could do just the same things, as a starter is a high-amp device and amperage is equal in all parts of the circuit.

Post back with the results. Sometimes a cable can be corroded internally and you can't see it visually. Thats where a voltage drop test comes in handy. You can see what is happening under load.

New User

Apr 8, 2014, 9:37 AM

Post #3 of 3 (1758 views)
Re: 99 Grand Prix clicks on start Sign In

Husband had taken the starter back twice and ADVANCED AUTO said, it starts fine not the problem, and wouldn't return. Third time he demanded his cash back went down the road to where starter was $10 more, installed it and it started right up. This was a stumper for days! Thank you so much for your quick response. He had tried all the ideas you advised. Internal problem with new starter, guess it happens but caused a lot of unnecessary tests and stress.


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