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ABS/LowTrac/TracControl ISSUE!

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Sep 10, 2008, 8:30 AM

Post #1 of 4 (1557 views)
post icon ABS/LowTrac/TracControl ISSUE! Sign In

All right.
I have a 2002 Buick Century Custom.
Engine size is 3.1.
Milage= 125k

Sooo, I know this is a high milage car, and I didn't pay much for it. Since almost the last day of my 30 day warrantee, I have had the following issue.
First when you start the car, no issues. After the car is in gear and going sometimes the "LOW TRAC" light on the dash lights up. Sometimes it doesn't. The very first slight bump my vehicle encounters sets off the following series of events.
1- Service Vehicle Light comes on.
2- ANTI LOCK BRAKE light comes on.
3- Traction Control Light comes on.
after the lights are on...for the grand finale ....
4- when I hit the breaks, the ABS pulsates horribly, Throbs like I am on ice and sliding, or like I am slamming on the brakes when I am barely touching them.
Sometimes when I shut the car off, and restart it, it will go away until the next slight bump, or, sometimes it stays for ever... Mad

Now, for what I have done to fix these issues. We have been through 4 mechanics. All 4 start off by putting the car on the computer and saying that I need a new wheel bearing on the passenger side. *WRONG* the wheel bearing has now been replaced 3 times, and the issue is still occuring. Next the 4th mechanic said he wouldn't replace the bearing because he understands I have been through 3 and the probability of 3 bad in a row is high. So, he replaced the Harness, a very expensive piece of wiring that goes from the wheel bearing to the computer. Still didn't fix my car. All of this has cost me over $800, and still no fix. Every time I have the codes cleared my car seems to be OK for a few days, then it will start up again.
Any Suggestions would be great, I am at a loss with this vehicle and ready to ship it to the junk yard because it is not safe for the kids to ride in, especially with winter coming and the brakes being so bad.
Oh one more point. Brakes have been checked. All OK. I was told they are in Excellent Condition.
HELP ME!!!Pirate

Jeff Norfolk
Jeff Norfolk profile image

Sep 10, 2008, 8:17 PM

Post #2 of 4 (1543 views)
Re: ABS/LowTrac/TracControl ISSUE! Sign In

This is likely a EBCM (Electronic Brake Control Module) failure. The EBCM controls both the ABS and the traction control. I have replaced several of these on this GM ABS/traction control set up. They have all had identical symptoms to what you are describing. You should have the codes pulled and diagnosed to be sure because EBCM is not a cheap fix. The codes that I have had on the cars I encountered are either *Internal EBCM failure or *EBCM relay failure. Don't be fooled by the relay code. The relay is internal (inside the EBCM). Good Luck

New User

Sep 11, 2008, 5:24 PM

Post #3 of 4 (1536 views)
post icon Re: ABS/LowTrac/TracControl ISSUE! Sign In

Wink Well I don't know if this was the correct fix to do, but here is what happened when I went back to the mechanic yesterday, and pleaded my case. He ran the codes again, for free, thank god.Crazy
He then put the car up, because the codes were blowing both sides, right and left, erratic speed sensor, which is in the wheel bearing. Once it was up, he forceable tried to "shake" both wheels and they didn't budge, so he says the wheel bearings are ok. He seems to think there is some sort of short in the electical system, or something, because he thinks it is all the traction control coming on and trying to work too hard, or even work at all for that matter, when it definately doesn't need to be working. He suggested I pull the fuse for the ABS/Traction control and test drive it to see what would happen.
I did. I had the smoothest ride I have had in 8 months...(the entire time I have owned this vehicle.)
He said I had to put the fuse back in after the test drive because it is agains the law or something to drive with no abs in a vehicle that has abs. I say, SO WHAT! I feel safe. The car isn't braking on its own for no darn reason. The car isn't shuddering as I turn the wheel. Driving over a bump isn't causing havoc.
Who cares if it's legal or not. I now feel safe, and I know how to drive without abs. I did it for years. I got this now!!!
Thanks for the suggestion!
I<3 my mechanic for the suggestion.

Jeff Norfolk
Jeff Norfolk profile image

Sep 11, 2008, 5:33 PM

Post #4 of 4 (1535 views)
Re: ABS/LowTrac/TracControl ISSUE! Sign In

You are welcome. He is right about the traction control because this set up controls traction by applying the brakes when needed to maintain traction. This is why the ABS light comes on also. I really dought the legality of diving without ABS. In Texas you can pass safety inspection even if you ABS light is on. That said it may be different in your area. You should be able to disable the ABS and traction contol lights with a bit of work if you wanted. Or a 97 cent roll of electrical tape will do the trick too. Wink


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