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Axiom tail light bulb replacement

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Sep 30, 2007, 3:59 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1873 views)
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2002 Isuzu Axiom. Rear tail light is out and there are two screws that come out easily. Once they are out there are no visible fasteners of any other type that appear to be holding the lens in but is will not come out. It seems to be held in place at the forward most point of the lens but again there are no fasteners forward. I looked at the inside panel to see if there was access to the lens there or even just the bulbs for replacement but the panel is the whole rear inside panel of the cargo area and that seems very unlikely and a huge undertaking just to do a bulb change.

Any ideas?

DrElectrics profile image

Oct 2, 2007, 7:54 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1864 views)
post icon Re: Axiom tail light bulb replacement Sign In

Isuzu's are a pain in the butt. The giant undertaking of removing the inside panel may be the way to go im afraid. Is there any screws on the inside of the panel, directly behind the tail-light? If so, try and unscrew them. If it doesnt release the light, you will have to go underneath the barrier to find those screws.


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