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Chrysler Sebring Sedan Window Problem

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Apr 22, 2011, 12:16 PM

Post #1 of 6 (7190 views)
Chrysler Sebring Sedan Window Problem Sign In

Good afternoon everybody!

My driver side window started coming up crooked really bad so my BF repaired it for me...then a month or two later my windows would periodically stop working when I'd press the button for them to go up or down....they wouldn't work one second, and then I pressed it again and they'd work....eventually they just all stopped working all together.

I tested to see if they could be lowered on the individual doors but no, none of them work.

I'm stubborn and want to learn how to do this!

I've worked on my cars before but never electrical issues...I'm a bit intimidated but if anybody could give me some pointers, or at least point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank-you! Wink


May 1, 2011, 2:25 AM

Post #2 of 6 (7146 views)
Re: Chrysler Sebring Sedan Window Problem Sign In

check your fuse first, use a test light on both ends with your key on, you should get the light on both sides of the fuse.

if you decide to open the door panels, first an inspection is at hand.

press the switch to roll down the window. if you hear the motor struggling that you might have bad channels that windows roll in and need to either lube them with lithium grease, or the like, or replace them. sometimes the material gets jammed in there in which case you can rip out any visible clumps of excess material with needle nose, being careful not to rip it any further.

if you dont hear the motor at all, or feel any vibration on it, you want to check for voltage at the switch to make sure you still have power to the switch.

next toggle the switch to the on position and check for voltage at the motor. also, check the ground of the motor with an ohm meter to make sure its getting a sold ground, it should read near 0 ohms from the metal of the motor to the door frame, unless it has a dedicated ground wire.

if your getting voltage to the motors and all else checked out above, you probably have a bad servo/motor.

if you find that there is no voltage to the motor when you press the switch, then you might have a bad switch.

disconnect the switch and check it with an ohmmeter set to continuity mode if you have it. toggle the switch and see if you get continuity, be sure to press really hard on the switch if its old and dirty. if the continuity is intermittent you have either a dirty or bad switch.

thats about all there is to the electric window system, if you play around with it, the problem should become apparent.

(This post was edited by wolfdogg on May 1, 2011, 2:27 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 1, 2011, 2:57 AM

Post #3 of 6 (7141 views)
Re: Chrysler Sebring Sedan Window Problem Sign In

What year is this car and miles? Sometimes the wires that bend in drivers door jam break inside rubber so you don't see them and need to run a new proper type wire that tolerates bending frequently. That if older can be common and driver's door rules,


New User

May 9, 2011, 3:07 PM

Post #4 of 6 (7106 views)
Re: Chrysler Sebring Sedan Window Problem Sign In

I'm having a similar problem just that none of my windows roll down at all and they all stop working together and I have had this problem for about a year now can someone help me?

New User

May 9, 2011, 3:17 PM

Post #5 of 6 (7103 views)
Re: Chrysler Sebring Sedan Window Problem Sign In

In Reply To
What year is this car and miles? Sometimes the wires that bend in drivers door jam break inside rubber so you don't see them and need to run a new proper type wire that tolerates bending frequently. That if older can be common and driver's door rules,


It's a 2004 and it has a little over 80,000 miles on it


May 9, 2011, 6:48 PM

Post #6 of 6 (7099 views)
Re: Chrysler Sebring Sedan Window Problem Sign In

In Reply To
I'm having a similar problem just that none of my windows roll down at all and they all stop working together and I have had this problem for about a year now can someone help me?

please start a new tread for your problem with the required info. thanks.

GM ASEP 26 SCC Milford ASE certified in Brakes and Electrical on Thursday April 5th 2012


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