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Jeep with 350 will not start

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Jul 20, 2009, 11:26 AM

Post #1 of 6 (1281 views)
Jeep with 350 will not start Sign In

It all began with a tune up and now it will not crank at all. I changed the plugs and wires and put a new distributor cap on it and it fired right up and ran like a top for about 15 minuts then it just shut off like I turned the ignition off or something. Its not getting any spark and I cannot figure out whats going on with this thing. What should I check next? I even put the old distributor on it and still nothing so Im wondering if something else went out on it??

Veteran / Moderator
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Jul 20, 2009, 2:10 PM

Post #2 of 6 (1266 views)
Re: Jeep with 350 will not start Sign In

In Reply To
It all began with a tune up and now it will not crank at all.

Do you mean the starter doesn't turn the engine over & nothing happens at all or it cranks (engine is turning over) over fine but just won't start? . . . If it cranks & doesnt' start and that is an old HEI system where you had to transfer the coil to the new cap, look in the old cap & make sure you didn't leave the metal ground strap that sits under the coil in there. If you did then you probably just fried your ign module.


Jul 21, 2009, 6:52 AM

Post #3 of 6 (1260 views)
Re: Jeep with 350 will not start Sign In

It is a HEI and the ground strap is all good. It turns over fine its just not firing since it shut off suddenly. Im starting to think it is the ignition module myself. Im a fuel injection coil pack kinda guy so I dont now alot about the old ignition systems even though they seem to be fairly simple. It doesnt help someone else did the v8 conversion in this jeep so its got some funky wiring.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jul 21, 2009, 9:23 AM

Post #4 of 6 (1259 views)
Re: Jeep with 350 will not start Sign In

Your probably on the right track because they had a lot of problems with those. You want to check for injector pulse first. If you have pulse, then the module would be a good bet. If you don't have pulse, then we need to go another direction, possible a pick up coil.


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Jul 25, 2009, 3:56 AM

Post #5 of 6 (1251 views)
Re: Jeep with 350 will not start Sign In

Okay after I decided to double check I noticed I didnt put the ground strap on. So I put it on and of course it wont crank. My ? is what did it burn up since it was not grounded.


Jul 27, 2009, 1:08 PM

Post #6 of 6 (1240 views)
Re: Jeep with 350 will not start Sign In

It was the ignition module. Runs like a champ now.


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