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Dec 18, 2010, 2:08 PM

Post #1 of 1 (1551 views)

Hey guys, I am at my whits end on this one.

I have an 91' Chev, 2WD, V6, 4.3 TBI with engine Z code.
About 2 weeks ago, she died in a parking lot and I could tell my starter went bad cuz it was clicking and wouldnt turn engine over. Starter/solenoid get too hot because I have after market headers & no heat shield, so I wrapped them. Drove fine for another week. THEN, while I was driving I lost gas and she puttered out. Had headlights,interior power, radio etc... and headlights dim when key on so I know ignition is good and she'll turn over, but no start. fuel pump strong within specs, relay, oil pump, switch,all good - just no fuel at injectors. FYI: I also have new distributor with new p/up coil, module, cap rotor, wires plugs and ign module. Had a mechanic put a NOID light on injector leads and no pulse. I do have 12v and good resistance from the leads though. So we figured bad ECU. Replaced with new ECU and used old PROM. STILL NOTHING. I've checked my wiring/harness up to the ECU for an open circuit, but have found nothing. I've tried grounding out the injectors with key on/starting to see if I could mak'em spray. Nothing - but not sure if I did it right. Was trying to rule out bad and/or clogged injectors and focus on a bad wiring. Also, the truck had a kill switch in the glove box that went to the purple/white wire at the ECU. I bypassed the switch when I put new ECU in because I didn't do it and wasn't sure that switch could be a problem (I never used it). Anyone know what that wire is? Is that a fuel or IGN signal wire? The wiring integrity seems fine, but still points in that direction. I also noticed a prpl/white wire coming from fuse block to ECU, not sure what that is. Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas or a pin up of my wiring for the ECU on this truck? I also had the mechanic check the TPS, IAC, ign coil etc... But she'll start if you spray starting fluid down there so I figured any spark/starting issues out of question. The mechanic said it showed classic signs of bad ECU because after about 30 minute cooldown, she started up for one last time and ran for a bit before not starting again this last weekend. ANY HELP AT ALL IS APPRECIATED - I know it's difficult to diagnose a truck that's not in front of you, but has anyone had anything remotely like this problem? Thanks. And yes, I've checked all my fuses a dozen times over. I'm missing something stupid though...Unsure


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