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Saturn transmission or electrical problem

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Jul 21, 2012, 11:33 PM

Post #1 of 2 (3022 views)
Saturn transmission or electrical problem Sign In

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I have a 2001 Saturn SL2, 120k, bought knowing had transmission problem. Bangs going into reverse and drive. Also in limp mode starts in 2nd gear shift to 3rd, will shift no further, when downshifting back to 2nd, shifts hard and rough. So far, I have replaced wiring harness going from PCM to engine and transmision and fuse box, checked continuity on new harness and all wires test good. with car running getting around 14 volts at transmision connector, (I guess over 12 because engine running and charging??) Ohmms checked on solenoids, all within specs. So far have put on two other used valve bodies from used transmsions that were sold to me as being good. Codes that come up on all three valve bodies, PO746, PO756, PO761, PO789, and then one valve body additional codes of PO732 and PO741 with the other four named above come up. (but only with this valve body.) I am suspecting PCM??? Any body help!

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Jul 22, 2012, 10:09 AM

Post #2 of 2 (2971 views)
Re: Saturn transmission or electrical problem Sign In

All these parts you're throwing at it and it hasn't occurred to you that the internals of this trans could be worn out? Usually when it bangs on shifts its due to excessive clearance in the drum because the clutch discs are worn down.


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