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Sierra 93' Electrical Issues

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Jan 28, 2016, 9:07 AM

Post #1 of 8 (1560 views)
Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

Hey guys got a 93' GMC Sierra that seems to be having electrical issues. History of the vehicle in short - Engine failed in 2014 (Head gasket) Put in a new 5.7 Chevy block, and now having electrical issues. It started when my girlfriends dad started messing with the fuse box. I'm going to school for electrical engineering, but am just a freshmen, so I let him have a go at it. After he starts putting in fuses, I notice lost of power to engine when you step on the gas. Higher rpm's but car not going faster. I think this is not good. Uh then truck refuses to start. Disconnect battery, brush off terminals, stick back in. Boom. Runs. 2 days later. Won't run at all. Idk here, I mean one time I replaced a starter, but this idk. The guy at Auto Zone says it has like 200 out 500 cold crank amps or something, he thinks its the alternator or the starter. Starter was installed right and is brand new. Could it be the alternator?
One more thing, we did them one by one, testing them to get the back taillights to work. One thing that stuck out to me was he replaced the FUel INJ fuse, I'm wondering why change that one? it's good... but he changed it with the right one after that, so I'm like ok can't be that. It was not until he changed FUEL INJ fuse that it started to lose power.
Sierra SLE
5.7 V8
200,000 (New Motor around 10,000)

Any kinda speculation or feedback would be greatly appreciated guys. I live pretty close to a salvage yard so I can go pick up parts and see.

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Jan 28, 2016, 10:17 AM)

kev2 profile image

Jan 28, 2016, 9:33 AM

Post #2 of 8 (1554 views)
Re: Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

will need to restate issues- sounds like more than one problem... this is an automatic trans?
1st truck will not start is that correct?
does the engine crank turn over - yes or no?

your comment about FI fuel inj fuse- what fuse is called for (10amp?) what is in there now and is it a good fuse?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 28, 2016, 10:14 AM

Post #3 of 8 (1550 views)
Re: Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

Just notes: A EE major has about nothing to do with what can and will need checking on a motor vehicle.
Parts outlets almost never employ trained mechanics but rather people who sell parts that YOU should be asking for not suggested by them. Some are outstanding most are clueless so it's up to you not them.
GM, a '93 no less. At least peel back probably OE battery cables at battery to get a good look at the eyelet ends as needed to see if they are a mess or what. Wrong power delivered will screw up testing much of anything and it's so common for those to fail or be weak it's already probably cost you buying a starter you didn't need, maybe it could have used one but it didn't fix the problem did it?

New User

Jan 30, 2016, 2:16 AM

Post #4 of 8 (1525 views)
Re: Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

Yes. Won't start. It will try to if you charge up battery then will gradually die. Yes it's a 10a and was replaced with 10a. Battery is good. Might be cables.

New User

Jan 30, 2016, 2:19 AM

Post #5 of 8 (1524 views)
Re: Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

Starter was changed about 7 months ago when.I needed a new starter. Nothing to do with this incident. And I went to the guy at napa to see if it was a bad battery. Which it had been before, and I was given a new battery. I never there to ask him for parts... But I will check on cables. I'm pretty sure they're getting old.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 30, 2016, 3:06 AM

Post #6 of 8 (1518 views)
Re: Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

It's not that easy to know a battery new or not is truly good. Many new are NG right away. In my area NAPA is king with quality of batteries and how handled which matters. They also discard old new batteries on a schedule here if unsold - most don't.
Side posts and cables are a constant issue moreso with side posts you can't see well or at all.
Story: Now long ago, 2000 GM vehicle new, full warranty, 9K did or didn't start at random? Road call for me. Untouched OE new a cable was bad, cross threaded in that case from new.
Short of extensive digging and testing many times if you can just tug on a battery cable and the problem changes for better or gets worse you found the area of problem.
For side post most common is the side post eyelet unseen on positive cable. Note, bolt goes directly to battery the eyelet is what counts but people test things by the bolt - wrong.
This is so common in assorted ages and exposure to assorted conditions it's top of the list to check if only rule out.
I'll try some pics which are iffy at this site of OK and bad ones by looks alone.........

^^^^ That one could probably be saved if red plastic/rubber removed, now too hard to cooperate and the eyelet end. New battery bolt, cleaned up and grease and be done with it.

^^^^ Cover on that removed. Looks cleanable to me.

^^^^ That one probably hopeless.
OK, probably already fixed on this and bad again. Better repair if needed will look like this for a new cable end......

^^^^ That type the lower part of pic would squish the stripped end of cable better if soldered up first and last. Plastic cover slides over repair so it can't short out. Extra wires are for some applications.
Pics a pest here. Google Images for pics of bad GM side posts and repair end types - not all are good types.
These things can just last ages or not. I say every oil change you at least check and relube them as needed if only a spray or brush on grease. Nobody ever does that until a problem so they are so common to be the problem,


New User

Feb 1, 2016, 9:07 PM

Post #7 of 8 (1492 views)
Re: Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

You know, you're right and I'm curious to try tugging the wires to see if that will do it. I remember vaguely somewhere in the back of my head having done that one time. Pulling the wires to put the battery back on (not hard) then it working. I will take a pic tomorrow and show you guys the condition of my wires.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 1, 2016, 11:49 PM

Post #8 of 8 (1490 views)
Re: Sierra 93' Electrical Issues Sign In

Look back at the pics already there and still showing for me anyway. If cable ends have that "green" yuk or white crust it can creep down the cable wire too.

Tugging I meant while it's attached not take it off some will start one more time to get to where you can splice in a new end as needed.
Jeez if you need a pic to determine if good or not this isn't for you,



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