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battery jumppers put on backwards

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Aug 5, 2013, 6:12 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1293 views)
battery jumppers put on backwards Sign In

my 94 mazda 626 v6 maybe 110k miles has been in storage and starts up just fine every time I have tried to start it but just today I had to move it and there is no battery in the car so I was in the car and someone else was putting the jumpers on

but they put the positive on the negitive and the negitive on the poisitive

we noticed it then switched them around it wouldnt start so I noticed the main 100 fuse was blown so I decided for testing purposes to directly wire the wires together (bolting them together)

the car turns over but wont start, checked to see if there was spark but there was none(with screwdriver and holding over the camshaft case)

we took a couple of the relays apart to look to see if they were burnt but no burns

when I turn the ignition on one of them kicks on but the other one stays off I picked the two that are proboly related to operation all the other relays seem to maybe be for other purposes

how can I get my car started again it normally works great(execpt of course for a small knocking)

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Aug 5, 2013, 6:42 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1280 views)
Re: battery jumppers put on backwards Sign In

You really want to blow it up eh?

(1) Don't ever ever run a vehicle without the battery installed. The battery acts as a surge suppressor. If the alternator is functional and you disconnect the jumper cables or battery cables with the engine running, you'll send a huge voltage spike into the electrical system which can take out solid state circuits.

(2) Since you reversed polarity of the jumper cables, number 1 doesn't apply. Number 1 is just there to forewarn you.

Did you check every fuse and link in the vehicle? Did you use a 12 volt test lamp or volt meter to check for power at the fuses?

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Aug 5, 2013, 6:43 PM)

New User

Aug 15, 2013, 3:16 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1206 views)
Re: battery jumppers put on backwards Sign In

orginal problem fixed(as described below)

but new questions below following description

the next day I decided to put the cables for the main fuse back to there orginal possitions and jump it with a wire (tightning it in with the bolts)

I had the green relay and I was testing it for power with the ignition on and all of a sudden it clicked and we then decided to try to start it and it worked I was surprised tried it a few more times and it seems to be ok the fuel pump ran with that relay

I intend to put a battery in just was temporaroly running it but now I will run it for a time for short runs(with a battery)


1. there is a minor clicking (maybe 3-4 per second) like maybe something sticking in the engine

some years ago I tried making a oil change and puting a special clicking fix can in there but didnt work the only thing is that I didnt drive the car much but for a quick test or a drive for 20 miles

is there anything else I can try will this affect my engine in an adverse way


2. I have a paint problem it seems that the clear coat is turning white and pealing off maybe(not the paint though) which has created large oval patterns on the vehicle

can I just maybe buy a buffing wheel and buff it off, the orginal paint is still there just it might not have a clear coat on it
(the vehicle sat outside for many years sometimes with a tarp on it somtimes without


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