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electrical help needed

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Oct 12, 2009, 6:32 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1622 views)
electrical help needed Sign In

1994 buick regal 301 liter 137,613 will not start. starter will not turn over. when i turn the key to start nothing happens. i was not driving car it is parked in the drive way. the last time i started it i had to turn the lights on for it to start last time. mit quit at a red light but it did start back up and allowed me to drive home. i went out to start later and car would not start or make a sound. i put a new battery in the vehicle and a new positive battery cable. when i open the car door the interior light does not come on. when i turn the light switch on the lights do not come on the dash lights show service engine soon-anti lock-seat belt- and check gages. when i put my foot on the brakes the dash shows anti-lock-check gages-seatbelt and when i turn the ignition switch to on the dash shows service engine soon and ckeck gages. when i turn the ignition switch to start the dash doesnt show anything. none of the other dash instruments move. not even the volts indicator. any suggestions where i should start

Power Tech

Oct 25, 2009, 8:20 AM

Post #2 of 3 (1586 views)
Re: electrical help needed Sign In

The nearest used car lot?Wink

Ignition switch maybe.?


Oct 26, 2009, 8:51 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1572 views)
Re: electrical help needed Sign In

thank you power tech for replying. i talked with a mechanic saturday and he seems to agree with you. he said he believes that a wire from the ignition switch might be broken. i did want to let you know that i ran a wire from the battery to the solenoid and it would crank over but not start


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