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wiper problem

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darrelt profile image

Feb 5, 2008, 6:12 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1435 views)
wiper problem Sign In

My wipers start up when I start my 2000 Asro Van. If I turn the switch on then off numerous times it still won't stop. After about 15 minutes of driving they stop on their own. This is eratic. I was told the Astro vans don't have a relay.

Veteran / Moderator
DanD profile image

Feb 6, 2008, 5:31 AM

Post #2 of 3 (1427 views)
Re: wiper problem Sign In

Without going through a whole series of tests there are two common problems with these systems.
One is that the motor housing will loose connection to ground through their mounting bolts. To check this take a length of electrical wire held against the wiper motor’s steel body and a known good ground (battery neg terminal). Now work the switch, it might start working “normally”. If so, figure out how to attach the wire permanently.
The other common problem is the pulse timer board; this is an electronic timer that controls the motor start, stop, speed and intermittent wiper modes. It’s bolted to the front of the wiper motor and has most of the wiper circuit’s wiring plugged into it.
Like I said without going through a bunch of test sequences to confirm that the timer board is at fault and not a switch or wiring; these are the two best guesses.
Here’s what a timer board looks like with the cover removed and removed from the wiper motor.
I don't know who this Dr.Auto Parts is? I used this because it was a good picture.


Canadian "EH"

New User
darrelt profile image

Feb 14, 2008, 6:04 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1406 views)
Re: wiper problem Sign In

Thank you very much for your help. It was the board.


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