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01 Olds Intrique

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Jul 10, 2014, 11:39 AM

Post #1 of 13 (2564 views)
01 Olds Intrique Sign In

I have an 01 Oldsmobile intrigue with a 3.5 6 with auto , used motor just installed. getting a P0118 code. engine coolant temperature
sensor 1 circuit High. it is my understanding the one just below the EGR, driver side rear of engine is the one in question.
a two wire sensor. changed it out cleared the code and after a bit still get a check engine with the same code. when it says sensor 1, I get that, as there are more than one, generally one for cooling fan control. I am not aware of any others
any input would be gratefully appreciated. just a thought, parts guy dropped the new sensor taking it out of the box, it hit several things before the floor, would that cause damage to the sensor

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Jul 10, 2014, 1:01 PM

Post #2 of 13 (2549 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

The two wires going to the sensor in question are yellow and black. If those are the wire colors on the ECT connector, take a piece of wire or something to short the two terminals in the connector together with the ignition turned on. Do not damage or spread the terminals in the connector. See if you get a P0117 code to show up.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.


Jul 10, 2014, 1:19 PM

Post #3 of 13 (2541 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

well this is going to be fun, seeing how there is only enough room for one hand, can barely get to the plug. are you talking just a quick jump or should that jump be held for a sec or two. Now I did have a P0171 but that is no longer present after changing the temp sensor. this is something I won't get to till morning.


Jul 11, 2014, 3:06 PM

Post #4 of 13 (2510 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

 yes yellow and black wires . I wasn't sure if you meant short the connector with it off the sensor or with it connected. it took some doing with several try's had it jumped at the pins with it off the sensor with a paper clip, it did not trip a code, as you mentioned with the key on. I'm thinking it should have been started as well ?? jumped it by back probing again with a paper clip. and connected to the sensor. and still got the same code P0118. note cleared the codes before each test> no P0117 which is the low voltage aspect of the sensor. I know how the sensor works. and it is my understanding resistance changes from cold to hot and in turn effects the level of voltage. is this not something that could be done off the car ?. simple volt meter and some way to change the temperature to the sensor. in my post I asked if the sensor was dropped and hit something hard from 4 foot lets say, could it damage the sensor. I am thinking yes can you confirm that

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Jul 11, 2014, 3:39 PM

Post #5 of 13 (2509 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

When you jump the yellow and black wires in the connector, the PCM should have set a P0117 code.

The PCM sends 5 volts on the yellow wire and the black wire is reference ground. When you jump those two wires together the PCM sees that there is zero volts on the circuit and should flag the P0117 code.

The problem you have is in the wiring. You may have damaged the wiring when the engine work was done. The yellow wire should have 5 volts on it with the ignition on and the black wire is ground back to the PCM. Inspect the wiring really good and the harness the wiring runs through. Sometimes the wiring near the connector looks good, but the copper strands inside the insulation is broken. You can tug on the wire. If the insulation stretches, the copper is broken.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Jul 11, 2014, 3:46 PM)


Jul 11, 2014, 4:55 PM

Post #6 of 13 (2502 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

I'm going to get it back up in the air and give that portion of the harness a good look. as well will check actual voltage at the connector. it all comes across the back of the motor from the passenger side and is very hard to get to. another brilliant bit of engineering. the only way to get to that sensor is by removing an emission tube that goes in to the head right below the EGR. 3/4 inch stainless flex tube and that task is not easy . why on earth they put it where it is, is beyond me but it is what it is.
will update later tomorrow as to what I find.
again thanks for the input.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 11, 2014, 9:36 PM

Post #7 of 13 (2500 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

Quick read - sorry. CTS plug is a known problem right there. Many come with a new pig-tail because of it. New sensor may not be black and yellow so pay attention if you find this is the problem to splice in new end. Check back side with "T" pins to prove rest of wiring is fine.
Dropping a CTS would worry me I guess. Can be checked for OHMs at given temps but cheap enough to toss too.

Like this if this shows..........

Grease it anyway if still good,



Jul 12, 2014, 2:03 AM

Post #8 of 13 (2487 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

yes it is not the first time I have come across a bad connector or pigtail. most have just been corrosion issues. problem with this one is there is no extra length in the harness too do anything given where it is. I will be rerouting it to the topside of the motor and at least making it easier to get to the connector

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 12, 2014, 2:23 AM

Post #9 of 13 (2485 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

? If OE fit the flaw should be right at the plug/pig-tail and would have that as the extra wire to keep in place AND away from harm's way if OE thought out a good route - wonder sometimes about that.

Check the thing first or it's just a waste to chase this down or replace it. Back when I said grease should have said "dialectic" grease for electrical things. Better at moisture and corrosion and lasts - bulb sockets and things like that. If some grease (some does) conduct electricity that would likely cause a problem with certain items.

I have the OHMs chart posted some dang place at this site but haven't found it here yet. Pretty much I find if it moves from cold to a warmed up engine it's OK most of the time,

(edit - found the chart - should be about right)

(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Jul 12, 2014, 2:46 AM)


Jul 12, 2014, 11:53 AM

Post #10 of 13 (2468 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

     Well took a bit of doing. on the back side towards the fire wall, between the transmission and engine block, there is a harness about 16 inch long. it has the connector for the temp sensor, and one other sensors as well. it has a three wire pin connector. that makes the connection to the rest of the harness and wires that go to the ecm. I left the one on that came with the used motor. had given it a quick look did not see any thing wrong with it. the problem was in the three pin connector. it connects just above and towards the back of pass side C/V joint on the frame rail. ended up just ripping it out and re routing it. it's routed between the block and the transmission and almost imposable to get to once the motor is in. I used the one that was on the old motor and just re routed the one for the temp sensor up and over the top of the motor the other two connections stayed where they were.
just want to thank you both for your input , car has now been driven for a good 50 miles and not one issue.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 12, 2014, 3:45 PM

Post #11 of 13 (2461 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

OK I think. Just keep an eye on re-routed wiring,



Jul 12, 2014, 4:13 PM

Post #12 of 13 (2451 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

  I don't see why, same color and wire size, soldered joints, dubble shrink wrapped, and in factory harness wrap. looks like it was always meant to be there. I'm not one to as they say half ass anything.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 12, 2014, 9:40 PM

Post #13 of 13 (2445 views)
Re: 01 Olds Intrique Sign In

Point is keeping things in general out of harm's way like hot exhaust, moving parts and OE doesn't always do so well as we know. Sure seems and about sure it's all about how fast a car can be assembled first time and make first owner happy who is probably not going to own it later when things do need doing.

Nothing new about that for decades on end either,



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