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04 Dodge stratus

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Oct 9, 2009, 7:51 PM

Post #1 of 3 (3448 views)
04 Dodge stratus Sign In

Today when i was driving my 04 Dodge Stratus it died the oil light came on and it quit about 3 months ago i had the iac replaced and now its doing the same thing again but only this time it actually died. Also it happened after i took off from a stop. Do the rpm's have anything to do with oil cause if it gets below 500 rpms thats when the light comes on and also after its been driven for a while.

(This post was edited by jpaulson on Oct 9, 2009, 8:25 PM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 13, 2009, 4:12 AM

Post #2 of 3 (3433 views)
Re: 04 Dodge stratus Sign In

bump and and comments yet,


Veteran / Moderator
DanD profile image

Oct 14, 2009, 4:19 AM

Post #3 of 3 (3416 views)
Re: 04 Dodge stratus Sign In

There are just too many variables, as to what’s causing the stall and the oil light to come on.
Is the oil light coming on because the engine is about to stall out and the rpm is to low for the oil pump to produce pressure; in turn, turning the light on?
Or is the oil light coming on because of an internal mechanical issue, resulting in low oil pressure?
Is the stall due to an electronic issue as in sensor(s) input, computer or lack of fuel pressure; which could be an electrical and or mechanical problem?
The engine oil pressure light is likely not the cause of the engine stall; but a result of the stall.
There are no safety interlock electronics on this vehicle’s that will shut the engine down from lack of oil pressure; Mother Nature on the other hand, will shut the engine down; when the engine seizes up from lack of lubrication.
So the best comment I can make is for you to bring the vehicle into a repair facility and have the thing diagnosed by a Technician.
If you’re unsure of the diagnosis, post the results of his/her tests and we may be able to confirm it or give you some questions to ask, before you give them the OK on the repairs.

Make sure you tell the Tech all of the vehicles symptoms that you can about the issues you’re having with it.
Many people will hold back some of this very important information, for some unknown reason; it’s like if they don’t tell us what they know, it won’t cost them as much? When in reality its 100% the opposite of this; that one thing that you keep to yourself, may have taken us right to the root cause of the issue.
It’s kind of like going into your Doctor, telling them that you have a very bad headache; but not telling them you had a great time at the office party; after a few cocktails. LOL


Canadian "EH"


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