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1986 mercury cougar

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Jul 19, 2008, 5:11 PM

Post #1 of 6 (2348 views)
1986 mercury cougar Sign In

the car won't run when i start it sounds like there is no fire to distourter i have power up to coil but nothing coming out of coil wire i put a new coil on and new coil wire and the same thing

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 19, 2008, 5:27 PM

Post #2 of 6 (2346 views)
Re: 1986 mercury cougar Sign In

Check for spark for real not just guess. Fords of the vintage would just up and quit making spark with a failed ignition module on side of distributor. I think places like AutoZone can test them for you. Could be a lot of things but that is fairly common in the vintage. Special little socket to take those off required,


New User

Jul 19, 2008, 5:31 PM

Post #3 of 6 (2344 views)
Re: 1986 mercury cougar Sign In

i used a test light to see if coil wire has a spark i had the ingtion moldle checked they said it was good the car was driven the day before then the next morning it wouldn't start i checked the wires going into the ingtion moldle and i have two that have power one wire is real dim on the test light the letter on the wire plug has a I on it so i'm pretty sure that is ingtion power i followed it back to the firewall and don't know were it goes does anyone know were i could get a free wire digram on the internet
its a 3.8 liter v6

(This post was edited by mattb28m on Jul 19, 2008, 5:39 PM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 19, 2008, 5:58 PM

Post #4 of 6 (2339 views)
Re: 1986 mercury cougar Sign In

Unless wiring suddenly got damaged or removed I don't know why you need a diagram - not generally free but no harm in Googling it out if you want. There's a relay for ign also that could be at fault - I think it has a brown skirt in this vintage. Just whack on them reasonably with the plastic end of a screwdriver and they usually will work again if bad.

There's also a pick up coil in distributor - kinda hard to replace when older and shaft sticky.

How was the module declared good? I don't test them myself but just plug in a known good one on hand all the time as a quicker test - pricey to toss parts to test each one till you hit the problem and it might not be a part but a connection you might see corrosion on. Connectors anywhere - at relays can get crusty with age, wire damaged.

Also verify rotor turns in distributor. It's old enough for lots of possibilities. What engine and how many miles?


New User

Jul 19, 2008, 6:04 PM

Post #5 of 6 (2337 views)
Re: 1986 mercury cougar Sign In

3.8liter v6 195000 its old but only car i got

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 19, 2008, 7:09 PM

Post #6 of 6 (2332 views)
Re: 1986 mercury cougar Sign In

Product Part No. Price Gp-Sorensen / Relay - ECM Wiring
MR14 $14.99 Application: With 5 terminals Store: Online: Gp-Sorensen / Relay - ECM Wiring
MR59 $11.99 Application: With 4 terminals


These are culprits for these cars that I mentioned. Do check that rotor turns when cranking engine. At the miles this is open book - no problem friend I still drive cars from the 80s myself. If rotor doesn't turn then there's trouble with timing chain or dist gear - no so likely for either right now but should be ruled out with no spark. You could test again at a plug wire to ground with tester or be old fashioned about it with a screwdriver and hold close to ground.

These relays are available in a universal one - only the skirt is unique preventing you from trying one in another in the 80s.

That module is so damn common I carry one with me for 80s Fords all the time! The relays do it too. No warning just up and quit. I really don't know of a life expectancy of these things just that lots over the years have been the trouble with NO SPARK or no fuel problems.

I still want to know how you know that module is good. Chances are the little bolts won't cooperate to remove it at the age any way but you should get some PB (penetrating oil) in there now as someday you might need to take it off. They were troublesome when these cars were under 10 years old never mind this old. If they break off flush it's real trouble.......



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