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1987 Renault Alliance wont start

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Oct 13, 2011, 3:35 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1711 views)
1987 Renault Alliance wont start Sign In


Was starting fine and running great but about 2 days ago I was driving at low speeds and the car just died, I was able to start again but every time I put it into drive it would just clunk out and stall, after about 4 times of this I finally got it into drive and drove it home and it was running alright that night I was able to turn it on and of reverse and drive. The next morning I went out to turn the vehicle on and it wouldn't start it's cranking but simply wont start. I'm new to cars and have no idea what to do this is my first car. Any Ideas? hope I was thorough enough, any advice would be awesome!


Oct 13, 2011, 8:37 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1674 views)
Re: 1987 Renault Alliance wont start Sign In

Sorry, I\we would need more info from you to even begin to be of help.

Old 396

Oct 14, 2011, 5:02 AM

Post #3 of 3 (1664 views)
Re: 1987 Renault Alliance wont start Sign In


The engine in Renault uses a timing belt and is an interference engine. The condition you are describing could be a timing belt that is defective and has stretched, and as a result caused the engine to jump time. If this true, and since the engine is the interference type, if you continue to drive the car you could do serious engine damage. You should stop trying to drive the car, and stop making any further attempts at starting it. Have it towed to a professional mechanic so it can be evaluated. With a situation like this it's better to be safe than sorry.


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