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1989 Toyota Celica GT doesn't start when stalled

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Apr 26, 2013, 6:20 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1385 views)
1989 Toyota Celica GT doesn't start when stalled Sign In

I have a 1989 manual Toyota Celica GT which is fuel injected, I accidently stalled it the other day luckily where I wanted to park because I tried to start it after I stalled it and it wouldn't start, I tried feathering the gas while starting it and it still didn't start. After a few minuets of trying I gave up, The next morning I tried to start it again and it started right up. Any thoughts on what this could be? Thanks

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Apr 27, 2013, 4:10 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1343 views)
Re: 1989 Toyota Celica GT doesn't start when stalled Sign In

OK - sounds like you stalled it not being fast enough with the clutch or something. Now it runs even if next day so finding out what cut out is going to be a pest. It's hard to fix what ain't broken as they say.

Maybe? A wiring connection that didn't like the shaky stall? This is going to be difficult for an 89 vehicle. Be ready with a spark tester and some starting fluid so if it happens again you can find whether lack of spark or fuel was/is the issue. That would at least narrow it down to help,



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