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1991 Toyota 4Runner Engine issues

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Dec 13, 2012, 3:20 PM

Post #1 of 5 (3318 views)
1991 Toyota 4Runner Engine issues Sign In

1991 Toyota 4Runner 6Cylinder, 173,000 miles

The check engine light went on in my car when i turned onto the main street this morning. the car was accelerating really slow. it did this the whole way until i got where i needed to be. i had the car turned off for only about 10-15 minutes. when i started it back up, everything was fine and back to normal. it did this for the first time last week, but didnt think anything of it.

-havent changed the transmission oil in a long time
-the temperatures were fine while driving

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Dec 13, 2012, 3:24 PM

Post #2 of 5 (3312 views)
Re: 1991 Toyota 4Runner Engine issues Sign In

Your check engine light is on because there are codes stored in the ECM. You need to get access to a scanner that can read the codes and post them here. I know the OBD-1 GM cars you could get the codes without a scanner, but I'm not too familiar with the older Toyotas. Maybe one of the other mods here knows some more info on that than I do.

New User

Dec 13, 2012, 3:34 PM

Post #3 of 5 (3298 views)
Re: 1991 Toyota 4Runner Engine issues Sign In

yes but the light wasnt on when i turned me car back on. everything ran fine again once it was off for 10-15 minutes.

New User

Dec 13, 2012, 3:48 PM

Post #4 of 5 (3289 views)
Re: 1991 Toyota 4Runner Engine issues Sign In

i think i found out how to check without a scanner

link deleted ........................ not allowed, it was for GM anyway

but will it still work since the check engine light is not on right now?

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Dec 13, 2012, 4:36 PM)

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Dec 13, 2012, 5:33 PM

Post #5 of 5 (3262 views)
Re: 1991 Toyota 4Runner Engine issues Sign In

Need to go under the hood and find the diagnostic port. Flip the cap up and there will be a diagram underneath. Take jumper and jump TE1 to E1. Then turn on the ignition. The check engine light will flash the codes.

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