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1992 Buick LeSabre stalls randomly

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Mar 28, 2008, 1:48 PM

Post #76 of 78 (2390 views)
Re: 1992 Buick LeSabre stalls randomly Sign In

yep, 3 packs. you'd send me the packs for just the cost of shipping? I mean, I can go to the local junkyard and probably pick one up for really cheap...but if you have one that you KNOW is good....I can throw some cash your way if it resolves the problem!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Mar 28, 2008, 3:07 PM

Post #77 of 78 (2388 views)
Re: 1992 Buick LeSabre stalls randomly Sign In

Damn! Just tore my shop apart looking for that thing and it's not there?? Too bad as I knew it was good. I don't throw things like that out - like ever. Found new parts to GM updraft carb choke plate shaft that used to break, points, ballast resistors, trico vacuum switches for 60s GM power door locks (vacuum then) all sorts of cool stuff but not that!

That was the only one ever that was ever suspect in all the years. There might have been a different one for the same engine and just something like the color of the main plug was needed to match it or if just one coil pack had something different - too few probs with them to recall now and I don't forget much!

The "bone" yard I used to use most here let me scrounge around on cars over 10 years and didn't care what I grabbed like things like that and would just charge me like $10 bucks for what I could fit in a bucket!

It's great when you can go yourself as you can tell if the car was running when junked - with body damage in side or rear or some with fresh "rejection" stickers for emissions or safety and folks decided not to fix the car with a printout of why.

Oh well. See if you can find a known good one cheap,



Mar 29, 2008, 8:52 AM

Post #78 of 78 (2382 views)
Re: 1992 Buick LeSabre stalls randomly Sign In

hey its all good! I really, really appreciate all your help!! Thank you very much.

I got a can of going to see if I can pinpoint the problem next time it rains, and I think I'll take her for a ride today and see how she acts. I will also search around for a used coils and ignition module.

Thanks again Tom!


UPDATE (sort-of): I just took it for a drive all around the "block". Nothing. Came back, left it run while I sprayed some more salt water under the hood. Nothing. Took it back out, nothing. I killed the engine and am going to let her sit for about 20-30 mins and then take her back out again, as it seemed to act up more when I did this. Maybe a short or bad connection down low somewhere, where only rain water gets to it as it splashes up? this is really freaking weird.

Ok so Update AGAIN - car stalled 1/4 down the road, started a minute later, sputtered a bit while accelerating, and stalled once more in about a 1 mile ride.

is this maybe something to do with moisture in the heads? i heard that when you shut off a car that is warm, the moisture inside rises to the top of the heads or something?! this is really freaking weird.....

(This post was edited by bryan_kilco on Mar 29, 2008, 10:31 AM)

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