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1992 Buick Skylark...please help

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Sep 20, 2010, 7:35 PM

Post #1 of 8 (2683 views)
1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

1992 Buick Skylark
2.3 quad motor
and I'm not sure about the mileage.

First I'll list the parts we have replaced:
fuel filter
.44 air intake hose that our neighbor who is a mechanic thought was the actually helped for about 15 miles
both coils
coil bracket
4 new spark plugs
ignition modual
thermostate (needed replaced, wasn't part of the problem but thought I'd list since it was replaced)
replaced catalytic converter as it seemed not to be getting air
new muffler.

It started out that the car just started losing power like it wasn't getting fuel, it would drive about 4 miles and then die and once it cooled down it would start. Then we changed the fuel filter. It kept happening and we changed the hair hose and we thought that was the problem, but after the motor got hot it started acting like it had no fuel again and the rpm's would jump back and forth while we lost acceleration. We then changed the coils and ignition module and it ran a little better, every few miles it will surge and jerk a little but it won't die and we can drive through it. So we replaces the plugs, coil bracket and thought it would be fixed but the same thing, it jerks, rpm's jump and it backfires a little.

My husband is going crazy. He has a computer from the mechanic at work but can't figure out the codes. The light on the dash flashes once then waits a beat and flashes twice. Still foreign to him since he really doesn't know how to read the thing.

Any help would be grateful, my husband can fix the car, if he only knew just what to replace. It's our daughters car so we want to make sure it's safe for the road before we take it to her at college. Thanks!


Sep 20, 2010, 8:20 PM

Post #2 of 8 (2676 views)
Re: 1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

the flash once the wait and flash twice is not the right code that is the first code there should be one after it. i found this by googling "buick obd1 codes" and clicking the second link if your husband reads that he should find the right code and problem. but the code you described is one long flash and two short flashes which means system fine. Also when a vehicle dies its because of the loss of one of three things, power, spark, or fuel. you said that it seems like it looses fuel when it does this have you seen if you can duplicate this senario while it idles. if you can you can check to see how many volts your getting at the fuel pump(should be around 12v) when this happens, what the fuel pressure is when this happens, and if you are losing spark when this happens also. and when you say the car "gets hot" do you mean normal operating temp or it really gets up there on the gauge?

GM ASEP 26 SCC Milford ASE certified in Brakes and Electrical on Thursday April 5th 2012

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Sidom profile image

Sep 20, 2010, 9:01 PM

Post #3 of 8 (2668 views)
Re: 1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

It would really help if you could get the codes pulled. Is there any way you husbands friend could come over and take a look at if for him? If the scanner he has is able to look at a data stream, have him look at the coolant temp when the problem is happening and see what the reading is...

A quick check you could try would be to disconnect the map sensor and see if that makes a difference. You would really want to pull the codes before you do this, because doing this will set a map code. Not the end of the world but will muddy the water once you do pull codes because there will be at least on self-induced code there.

Also take a look at the vacuum line going the the map sensor. Make sure it's in good shape and not split or cracked....

New User

Sep 20, 2010, 9:03 PM

Post #4 of 8 (2665 views)
Re: 1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

When the car got hot I meant it just got warmed up after we had driven it a while it never overheated. He checked the fuel pressure and it was good.

okay, this might sound odd but could it be bad fuel? Our daughter filled up the car right before the problems started, the car was almost out of gas tonight and my husband put in half a tank and now the car is running perfect. He drove it about 10 miles and then I drove it about the same and not once jolt or shudder. I've never had a problem with fuel but I was shocked to see that not one of the problems happened when I drove it or when he did. I hope it could be as easy as that.

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Sep 20, 2010, 9:12 PM

Post #5 of 8 (2661 views)
Re: 1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

we did change the vaccume line that was what I called the air hose, now that you posted that I realized it was that line. It was a cheap fix that I actually thought worked. It was bad so I'm glad we checked that. I think I'll drive it this week and see if it might have been the gas (I just googled it and there were the same symptoms) if not my husband will have to have his friend look at the computer to read the codes. Thanks so much for your help, I'm glad I found this board. Nothing is more frustrating then working on a car and not being able to figure out the problem.


Sep 20, 2010, 9:24 PM

Post #6 of 8 (2659 views)
Re: 1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

glad you seemed to have found the problem if it persists dont hesitate to come back and ask well do our best to help.

GM ASEP 26 SCC Milford ASE certified in Brakes and Electrical on Thursday April 5th 2012

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Sidom profile image

Sep 20, 2010, 9:51 PM

Post #7 of 8 (2658 views)
Re: 1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

Well maybe it was as simple as it was just running out of gas......That would be an easy fix.. With in tank fuel pumps it's a good idea to keep at least 1/4 tank in them, the helps keep them cool...

Drive the car around and puts some miles on it before you let your daughter take it......

New User

Sep 21, 2010, 7:04 AM

Post #8 of 8 (2645 views)
Re: 1992 Buick Skylark...please help Sign In

I'll drive it for a couple weeks to see how it does. Thanks agian so much, it's great to find a place where there are people who how have the ability to help when it comes to cars. I will be back if we have more problems. Laugh


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