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1993 honda civic ex wont start

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Jul 12, 2012, 1:51 AM

Post #1 of 3 (2680 views)
1993 honda civic ex wont start Sign In

i have 1993 honda ex with a 1.6 liter engine, the engine i bought from a guy that rebuild the engine, so i insteal the engine the car hooked up everything. once i was done putting the engine and oil and antifreeze i started the car up, but it start it just turns so i checked the fuel and it was going through the feul rail after that i checked for spark but there was none so i changed the wires still no spark i checked the distributor and rotor they where ok but still no spark but before i checked for spark i hook up a spark tester to the number one plug and i had one of my famliy member look at the tester there was nothing until i turn off the he notice a spark after i turned off the car. also im have trouble turning the key switch on would that be the problem r something alse. one more thing when i bought the engine the wiring harness was different from the wiring harness comming from the cars harness so i cut the wires from the and connected to the wiring comming from the engine all the wires match acceptd two wires they where blue with yellow strips but the others match would this be the problem too. thanks for giving me the time to help

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Jul 12, 2012, 4:14 PM

Post #2 of 3 (2600 views)
Re: 1993 honda civic ex wont start Sign In

Which sensor or sensors did you hack up your wiring on? If this car ran on the old motor I know the chop job on the harness is what's haunting you. Why didn't you swap over the sensors and wiring from the old engine to keep it correct? Colors aren't the best way sometimes when you have wiring from different years, as they can change what color goes to what at random. Did you just tape up the wires, butt connector them, or solder them with heat shrink tubing? Anything less than the last option will cause even more issues in the future to the point of needing an entirely new harness.


Jul 13, 2012, 2:02 AM

Post #3 of 3 (2580 views)
Re: 1993 honda civic ex wont start Sign In

well when i boought the engine it had the disterbutor on it after i hooked up everthing and i was going to plug in the distributor wires from the engine to the car they where different, but before i went and cut the wires from car i had the old distributor from the old engine, i tryed using that but the bolts that hold the distributor inplace was not matching to the engine so i in up using the distributor that came with the engine like i said before all the wires matched to the accept two so i looked it up in the guide book that i got for hondas and looked at the wiring digram and the wires ran to the crank sensor which is located in side the distributor itself, are is there any way i can use the old distributor on the engine. thanks for the help and hope to hear from u soon so i can start working on my car again.


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