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1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid

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May 24, 2015, 6:15 AM

Post #1 of 12 (1726 views)
1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

   Hey there guys, how you doing on this beauty of a day. Well lets start with leaving the shop. I think that the Mechanic screwed something up before giving me back my truck, not really sure, but when I got it home and hit my driveway, the truck shut down, thinking that the fuel pump take a Sh!t, whatever that he was doing to troubleshoot my code`s might`ve activated a new problem. I have been rebuilding my truck for the last couple of weeks, replacing all bad or defected parts, since the truck was sitting in my Driveway for about 4 Years.. Yea I know that's a long time to sit around but whatever, so now I'm trying to get it back on the road again. Well that's the first part of my history with my truck. And I`ve owned it since new. Oh yea, All the spec`s are: It`s a 1994 Ford F-150,XLT-5.0 Liter-302ci with 118,000 miles on her. Not bad right, except for having to troubleshoot the fuel system now. If you can first start me off to where I should begin I would really appreciate it.... Thanks a lot, talk to you guys soon, I hope.Frown

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

May 24, 2015, 6:30 AM

Post #2 of 12 (1721 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

How about a fuel pressure reading?


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 24, 2015, 9:29 AM

Post #3 of 12 (1711 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

! Same fuel just sat for four years? Ya - take fuel pressure as HT suggested and then a sample of fuel in clear glass from inlet end of the fuel filter for a clue also new or not junk would recollect there if so.

Don't go blaming a mechanic after YOU parked the thing for four years!


New User

May 25, 2015, 9:30 AM

Post #4 of 12 (1689 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

   Hi guys, back again to reply. First off I did remove all old Fuel from both tanks, and it was BAD. Than I put new Premium Fuel in the front tank only for now and also put some Techtron & octane boast in there with a little over 10 gals. of fuel. I got it running half way decent considering that it sat for 4 YEARS. Than as the story goes and Six to Seven Hundred Dollars later I got it on the road. Fuel was pumping just fine, also knowing the fuel pump worked BEFORE TAKING it to the garage Mechanic,!!!- I heard the Two Second Hum from the Pump, so I knew that it worked... And thanks guys for the advice to check the Fuel pressure at this time. So Tom & HT Thank You for your input, I hope I get this truck running soon, before I give up on it. And Oh Yea, going back to blaming the new Mechanic on the Block, He was or did fiddle with more Sh!t than what he was told to do originally what he was suppose to do, but my fault, Like my smart wife said, I should`ve stayed with him until he had finished the first job that I had him do. Bye for now...TongueUnsure P.S. and one more thing Before I go light my BBQ again for today, I don`t really trust no Garage Mechanic. Except myself.

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

May 25, 2015, 9:53 AM

Post #5 of 12 (1686 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

I don`t really trust no Garage Mechanic. Except myself.

You do know that there are many professional mechanics and technicians that do quality work and are not out to stick it to the customer. What is also ironic is that your getting advice from professional technicians currently working and retired from the industry that are giving their time to donate advice to people just like you.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 25, 2015, 1:13 PM

Post #6 of 12 (1681 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

Hey - Not trusting mechanics just in general is nuts. As DS said this site is frequented by real techs, shop owners now or retired from it.

Techs make mistakes like anyone can and customers can just be chronic complainers too - anything or any trade deal.

To your truck setting so long and known bad fuel. No telling how the fuel goes bad. Some just smells and good for cleaning paint brushes and some additives can gel up and clog a pick up screen or filter tight. You may have dumped fuel out or syphoned it out but you didn't get the junk so it's still on the list of reasons for troubles. Now you just added octane booster which is just another additive that you both didn't need and can cause problems so now that's your fault despite container would says it's harmless.

For this IMO the #1 reason for issues will be fuel related from sitting. The next slowly coming things especially if stored outdoors and never moved will be every seal everywhere that seals a spinning shaft of some sort. Axles, shafts, water pump, PS pump, compressor and more. You wont know for some time the extent.

You don't have to give up just expect this stuff. It's not another mechanic's fault instantly if/when assorted crap happens,


New User

May 26, 2015, 7:01 AM

Post #7 of 12 (1667 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

  Hey Tom, Truly Thanks for the reassurance, and I think since its another Beauty of a day I'm going to take your advice and keep troubleshooting like a good mechanic would do in this situation. Yesterday my buddy and I were temporarily starting it up with fluid to see if fuel was going to get pumped up to the motor. No go, and to no avail we never heard the 2 sec. fuel pump hum. I`m going to check the shut-off switch under the dash, it might`ve got tripped, Somehow during the time that I had taken the truck to the garage Mech & by the time that I had picked it up to bring it home. After that, if that isn't the problem, I will listen to you guy`s about the damage that the bad fuel might`ve did, may have clogging the filter, or other screens or filters closer to the engine compartment... One more Question before I go, shouldn't I hear the pump hum for 2 seconds when turning on the ignition regardless of anything else being wrong.?? Thanks Tom & company for all your help, its well appreciated and look forward in getting more good advice from you guys, Fatboy, signing out...Unsure

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 26, 2015, 8:37 AM

Post #8 of 12 (1666 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

OK - Something might, only might be simple for the moment. Fuel relay OR if that "inertia switch" somehow tripped test it with a test light first power on both sides.

If not screwed with the relay on trucks should be similar or same as for full size (and others) Ford vehicles. This relay is most common to me without provocation when NO power gets to fuel pump which you don't hear but not proof yet.

Relay - Think even trucks it's under the hood probably in with others under a rain shield type thing, 8mm or 5/16th head bolts or many you can harmlessly bend up and look for the one with the green skirt. Note, removing those is a combo of pull on a bail then P-U-S-H on a bail to remove. Just whack the thing when out of it's rain guard spot but plugged it and just turn key and listen for pump. Decent chance if the thing is stuck it will work - if so replace it. If 1994 all relays were the same under a cover and location indicated put the A/C relay in the fuel relay spot as a test.
A/C relay should have a gray skirt. These one fits only one spot types if you ruin it by cutting off the skirt will work temporarily in another spot and replacements fit any spot by Echlin is one brand that does.

After that if not luck see if power is even there and if back probed in place the thing even shoots power on to pump at all.

Note: Early type relay if OE one only fits one spot, the later ones should be same part # about that year.

Either way this doesn't assure you are getting good fuel pressure and volume especially if the pick up sock in tank doesn't allow. Pump may have tried and burned up or who knows yet without some more checking?


New User

May 31, 2015, 5:24 AM

Post #9 of 12 (1638 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

   Hey there Tom, Good morning to yea. I just had read your last forum and understood some of it. I am going to look through my tools and look for my test meter and Amp probe and than start to troubleshoot again. I got a bad feeling that my old after market Remote-Start & Alarm is acting up and shutting the system down, via disabling the fuel system. I might need a good Elect. Tech. for this job to reverse the Black box and other wires that are under my dash. If anybody can give me some knowledge on this procedure I will be greatly appreciated for it. If its to much to handle I will be forced to bring in the big Guns to solve this hair pulling mess. Hey Tom, One more question before I go, Will I hear the 2 Sec. Hum if the sock or screens or Fuel filter is CLOGGED up in the Front tank, and Will I hear it in the Rear tank if there is No fuel. Iam just wondering if Iam chasing my own tail... Thanks A lot for your help Bro, I`ll be looking for your reply. Unsure,Determined & Still trying.

(This post was edited by fatboybruce on Jun 1, 2015, 7:09 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 31, 2015, 6:29 AM

Post #10 of 12 (1635 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

Yuk. Remote start + alarm. You have to know EXACTLY how they are supposed to operate and what defaults they may do - no guessing so you may need their exact installation instructions and see if they are involved at all.

Somehow I doubt either was factory and I personally still wouldn't know exactly what each do. Remote starters do shut down engine after so long and must be just like you turned it off yourself so nothing would be on but to work obviously enables it to run for just so long. If that AFUed this will be a hunt and how to get it out of it. Hacked up wires to have it at all now in question - damn.

If by some luck those work as intended still it's back to why/if fuel pump is getting empowered and enough current and fuel pressure for a start,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

May 31, 2015, 6:50 AM

Post #11 of 12 (1632 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

You asked me for a wiring diagram for the fuel system but I first need to know...........

Is it dual tanks?

What transmission does it have ie; AODE,E4OD,C6 or 4R70W

If a security system is going to disable fuel, it will be done through the fuel injectors and that can be determine by testing with a noid light.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on May 31, 2015, 6:52 AM)

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

May 31, 2015, 8:32 AM

Post #12 of 12 (1626 views)
Re: 1994 F-150 won`t start without starter fluid Sign In

Let me get this right. You had your mechanic work on this. Something happened and the vehicle sat in your driveway for 4 years. Now you want to get it running again, but it won't run unless you spray the engine with starting fluid?

You haven't given us any fuel pressure readings still. If the thing sat that long in your drive-way, you know the fuel is bad in the tanks and they are going to have to be dropped and cleaned out. It is also a good bet the fuel pumps are shot. Have you even attempted to drop the tanks and clean those out?

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