1994 acura integra LS/too much oil
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Sep 4, 2011, 11:38 AM
Post #1 of 1
1994 acura integra LS/too much oil
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Hi everyone....im a college student and need some help ! so I have an acura that i flooded with engine oil. Yes I was told when the oil light comes on to take it in for service, but it started coming on every couple of weeks so I added oil.:( there were no oil leaks. So......the last time the light came on, I added oil and drove about hundred yards and it shut off. It turned back on and then started making rattling noises. I had alot of oil drained and it is still making a rattling noise, like if something is loose.. Can someone let me know what you think? I just want to have an idea on how much It WILL cost me to have it checked out and repaired. thanks everyone :=)
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