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1998 Toyota Camry idling issue

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Aug 20, 2012, 11:41 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1816 views)
1998 Toyota Camry idling issue Sign In

Hello everyone,

I have a 1998 Toyota Camry with about 200k miles on it that is in good shape and runs beautifully. However, I do have an engine idling issue in the winter (I live in Minnesota). When it is cold out, and I start the car, the engine starts but the car dies shortly thereafter. Typically I need to rev the engine quite a bit to get it to stay on, sometimes I do this for a long time and it still dies. Eventually I will always get it to stay on though (even if it takes 10 attempted start ups and a few minutes of revving).

My friend says that this is just because the idle is set too low, and fixing it is simply the matter of turning a screw. Is he probably correct?

As a PS, there are 2 lights that have been on on my dashboard for a long time, one is an engine light and another is a light that appears to show back headlights or something. Apparently these lights have been on for a long time without any issues manifesting themselves from them.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Aug 20, 2012, 12:27 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1778 views)
Re: 1998 Toyota Camry idling issue Sign In

Tell your friend to stay away from your car.
The first thing you need to do is have the codes read that are stored in the computer. They didn't put those lights there to decorate the dash.


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