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2000 Dodge neon Problem.

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Oct 4, 2012, 9:03 AM

Post #1 of 6 (1618 views)
2000 Dodge neon Problem. Sign In

Starting off with I Replaced the Fuel pump in my Dodge neon about 30,000 miles ago and everything was fine up until about a month ago. My car runs fine for about ehh 30 mins or more if i am constantly on the move but soon as i start idling when i am stuck in traffic it seems to want to stall, My check engine light was on and i got that checked at advanced auto and they told me it was my camshaft position sensor, so i changed that and the check engine light went out. So after i did that i took it for a whirl and still had the same problem. Now when i add a fuel additive , and i've tried pretty much every one over the past month, it stops the stalling for probably an hour or so but then right back to the same problem. I got the new fuel pump from a junk yard not knowing the mileage on it , could it be that fuel pump was on its last limbs as well? ,Thank you

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Oct 4, 2012, 9:35 AM

Post #2 of 6 (1596 views)
Re: 2000 Dodge neon Problem. Sign In

I got the new fuel pump from a junk yard not knowing the mileage on it

How do you get "new" from that? It came from a junkyard. It is a junk fuel pump.


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New User

Oct 4, 2012, 9:37 AM

Post #3 of 6 (1591 views)
Re: 2000 Dodge neon Problem. Sign In

Well does that sound like thats the problem?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 4, 2012, 9:46 AM

Post #4 of 6 (1590 views)
Re: 2000 Dodge neon Problem. Sign In

Easy on the fuel additives! What junk gets put in it to even call it gasoline is bad enough. Fuel pressure might be dropping off. A used fuel pump is just that - used.

Probably want a new fuel pump and clean out the gas tank but test it out as best you can first with pressure readings along with any other of many things other than fuel delivery but seems like that is the issue so far by it somehow behaving for a while with whatever fuel additives you are adding. I just can't say if the assortment you claim is moving debris around or what.

Old fuel (not this) can be helped with certain fuel additives and just my own opinion that some solvents (not tons) can prolong life of some things but personally reserve that for low use vehicles,


New User

Oct 4, 2012, 9:52 AM

Post #5 of 6 (1585 views)
Re: 2000 Dodge neon Problem. Sign In

is there a cheap way to check the fuel pressure ur saying like can i take it down to the store and they do that like they do with the check engine light?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 4, 2012, 10:11 AM

Post #6 of 6 (1581 views)
Re: 2000 Dodge neon Problem. Sign In

I doubt anyone will rent out a fuel pressure tester but who knows? Found one fast for ~$60 bucks and you would have to learn to use it and catch the readings WHEN the problems happen.

Other things factor in. Time fuel pump has been running seems to count or is debris getting caught up that had settled out of harm's way fooling the diagnosis with a used pump with no real info about that one.

You may find it isn't a fuel issue at all but it would be on the list to check and rule in or out,



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