2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
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Sep 28, 2020, 9:33 PM
Post #1 of 20
2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Hi! Tom said to put this in a new thread, so here I am! :) My car is still hesitating when I'm driving. My friend/mechanic put his computer on it and it came up that the camshaft position sensor was failing, so he replaced it. However, the car keeps on hesitating when I'm driving.. I need to take it and let him put the computer on it again. But until then, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!janet
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 28, 2020, 11:13 PM
Post #2 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Hi and know that the code means the circuit not the item so it might be that and wires to it and or installation isn't right? These sensors use magnets also pick up dirt that is magnetic if not cleaned out it's not going to change. HT or others chime on in it's not good to leave any engine not running well that will cause other things to really go wrong so let's target this one and be done with this. By rights Janet you are paying for this service hasn't or isn't just working out for you without asking which really should be their job not yours but good or great to understand as much as you can about things. This and other trades it's not really good to tell a pro (or are they?) what is wrong or YOU are the one at fault if it didn't work - follow what I mean? Thread moved now to "Engine Troubles" out of A/C barely matters there's too many sections here we read them all and always did?? Tom
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Sep 29, 2020, 6:07 AM
Post #3 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Thanks, Tom.In fairness to my friend/mechanic, he did not want me to pay him for the work he did since it did not solve the problem. However, I insisted since the car needed what he replaced done anyway and he did the labor and had bought the part. I know it's not my job to "solve" this problem for him. He did mention the wires. I just need to get the car back to him ASAP. I can't today, too many things going on.I was really just wanting yours and HT's input. Three experts are better than one! ;) I will post again once he checks the car again. Thanks again, Tom! You are a gem!janet
(This post was edited by janetlee64 on Sep 29, 2020, 6:09 AM)
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 29, 2020, 6:15 AM
Post #4 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
I did respond to this issue in the other thread. A true "hesitation" upon acceleration is usually the fault of the Mass Air Flow sensor but my concern is the varying symptoms referred to as hesitations by owners. Sometimes things like misfires or transmission problems are inaccurately called hesitations when they should be described differently. Driving the car would make things much clearer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Sep 29, 2020, 5:05 PM
Post #5 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Thanks, Hammer! I will ask him about the mass air flow sensor!:)I'm taking the car by tomorrow. I will update then.janet
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Sep 30, 2020, 9:19 PM
Post #6 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
So I took the car to my friend and he put it on the computer and no codes came up. So he tried again after revving the engine some. Something came up on the computer but I don't know what. He said that he was going to check with a ford product expert. He says he'll get back to me after he's had some time to try to get it figured out. He works basically on newer imports and is not used to old Mercurys! LOL!Anyway, I did mention the wires and the mass air flow sensor but he said it did not come up on his computer. So I'm still clueless so far. If I ever find out anything, I will post about it then. Thanks for your help Tom and HT!janet
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 30, 2020, 10:34 PM
Post #7 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Janet: You keep saying "wires" on this as suspect? I have to take that as "spark plug wires" not the other 20 miles of wire in this thing are always suspect as those carry high voltage and if one spot on them leaks out engine will stumble - steadily or erratically? High voltage doesn't like damp, wet, trauma or mishandling of the wire is impossible to touch most engines without messing with these this included if like all the ones I know/knew route up over alternator right up top front of engine LOVE to be held well in their careful harness do criss-cross there and down in holes to the spark plugs out of sight. Those were an issue OMG (getting old) when new lots older than this when 4.6 engine was out in these cars call them the "Panther" platform or the chassis of these. Brand barely matters of the 3 makes are all Ford products. Those can be found leaking by sound, sight even a mist of I'll use blue (Windex not that brand needed) just spray/mist over them watch them "arc" is a spark you might see or cause it to stumble + voila -that's the spot. Save the novel on it was elusive would set code(s) that are NOT going to say that in English just anything that makes it stumble will mess up the show. The fix once was just buy one (costly that way) vs set of them very early keep the longer good ones for a patch job quick and get a new set when time if a rush for some reason like a road call or nobody had a ton of time right away. Reason is they can't be mishandled IMO once installed like to be untouched forever which has come. THE warning is don't spray a liquid like that on a real hot engine rather catch one cooled off a bit so it doesn't quick cool items that will not like that nearby the things includes a lot of assorted things on top of engines - duh - they are warm/hot sudden anything not helpful. YOU or a helper to know that as always the warning don't get shocked by a running engine that's high voltage at low power is really a "startle" to a person/tech or not more then real harm - they should never do that but can, Tom
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Oct 1, 2020, 3:39 AM
Post #8 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
If he's waiting for a code to pop up for the MAF, that's not going to happen in this situation. It appears this guy is just relying on codes to diagnose this and it isn't going to be that easy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Oct 1, 2020, 8:59 PM
Post #9 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Thanks Tom and Hammer! I appreciate your feedback. I can't just "fire" my friend. If he doesn't figure out the problem soon, hopefully then I can take the car to someone else.janet
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Oct 1, 2020, 10:45 PM
Post #10 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Sorry if anything seems offensive it's about finding the fix, not personal. That mess on spark plug wires just happened out of the blue as a reason for everything to show some problem and hide without being found. Onward to a fix I'd just put that in the list of checks that still may not show up?? Tom
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Oct 2, 2020, 4:05 AM
Post #11 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Tom, I really and truly am not offended. Facts are facts! I was just saying that I just can't go find another mechanic as I am sure it would be hurtful as he has been trying so hard to help me. I am hoping that he might get to the point where he throws up his hands and says that he just don't know. Then I could find someone else. I know that some folks would disagree with me on this but it's just not in me to offend him or hurt his feelings. I appreciate your and HT's honest feedback very much though! You are both very kind! :) janet
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Oct 2, 2020, 5:55 AM
Post #12 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
As long as you are not paying for incompetence in the meantime. If he's not charging for the time that doesn't accomplish anything and doesn't make the problem worse or create new ones, that's fine. As stated earlier, symptoms descriptions can vary dramatically from one customer to another. That's why being there to experience the symptom can go a long ways toward recognizing the source. I would ask him if he can try a new MAF and return it if it doesn't solve the problem. Some parts suppliers make that easy and some don't. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Oct 3, 2020, 8:27 PM
Post #13 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
My friend is not charging for his time. Like I said, if he gets to that point where he can't solve the problem, I'll take it to someone else. Thanks for your input though! :)janet
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Oct 5, 2020, 8:25 PM
Post #14 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Okay. So I texted my friend and told him that it concerns me to continue driving the car with this hesitation going on intermittently. he said he understood my concerns and said that "although there is no indication of spark plug or ignition issues I suspect they are the culprit, especially since you can't remember ever changing the plugs. The plugs could be replaced first but I recommend you get a second opinion from maybe the dealer". I am NOT taking it to the dealer! EEK! Hammer, you say to look into it possibly being the MAFS. I am not going to have my friend do anything more on the car for me. It is too hard to be in the position of hurting feelings or insulting one's abilities possibly. I hate to question any mechanic's guess, but especially a friend's. Anyway,I see that even at auto zone that a MAFS is $146, but I imagine that a tune-up isn't cheap either. I see your point Hammer about asking a shop if they can put a MAFS on and returning it if it doesn't fix the problem. Do you think a good mechanic who drove the car might be able to rule anything out by the way it drove? This is sure hard for me. I don't know who in the world to take the car to now. I have one shop in mind but don't know what kind of a backlog they may have.Tom and Hammer, y'all have really been so good about trying to help me out here and I want you to know that you are both appreciated very much!
(This post was edited by janetlee64 on Oct 5, 2020, 8:27 PM)
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Oct 6, 2020, 3:53 AM
Post #15 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Yes, I believe a qualified tech could definitely tell the difference between an ignition problem and a MAF problem by driving it. The symptoms are quite different but hard to describe in words for a customer. An ignition misfire will cause more of a sharp, quick bucking feeling where a MAF will create a total drop of engine power when the throttle is applied and sudden recovery (surge). That's the best way I can describe the difference. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Oct 6, 2020, 9:22 AM
Post #16 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Thank you, Hammer!janet
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Oct 8, 2020, 9:23 PM
Post #17 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
I called a nearby shop with excellent reviews and I have an appt. for 10/22. They are that busy! The guy on the phone (Steve) listened as I explained what was going on with the car. He said besides putting a car on a computer to read codes, there also needs to be a diagnostic on the car. he explained what that meant and it made sense. I'm not good at recalling exactly how he explained it and don't want to misquote him, but he said there were several reasons why a car can misfire and proceeded to mention them. He brought out that say there was a cylinder misfiring (again, remember that this is all Japanese to me and I'm not able to quote him), the diagnostic could tell him that it was the third cylinder, for example, that was the problem...at least, that's what I understood. anyway he agreed with you Hammer about how it could be the MAF and that you can't go by the computer codes alone! So I felt good about that! So anyhow, it'll be a couple of weeks before I'll have anything to report. In the meantime, thanks to both Hammer and Tom for ALL of your help!janet
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Oct 27, 2020, 9:19 PM
Post #18 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Hi,Just thought I'd update you on the car! She needed a new intake manifold and new plugs and wires. It was a hit to me financially, but at least the car seems to be working right now! I think I've found me an honest mechanic who really knows his stuff! YAY! the only drawback was that I had to wait 2 weeks to get the car into him as he is just that busy! Going back to the intake manifold, it was cracked on the front and back and was leaking coolant! So very glad that he found that! anyway, I hope that my car will be trouble-free for a little while! Phew! Thanks to both Tom and Hammer for all your advice! Thanks!janet
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Oct 28, 2020, 12:13 AM
Post #19 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Glad to hear it's found and should be fixed. Oh my - cracked plastic intakes, there goes the show till those are fixed = replaced. If you have the right shop and tech no surprise for them being busy and the wait especially now. I'm finding places in person and on-line just don't restock even silly, common things to do repair in general slowing me down! Onward and hope this is it for a while, Tom
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Oct 28, 2020, 3:26 AM
Post #20 of 20
Re: 2000 merc. grand marquis hesitating
Glad to hear you got it resolved. Closing this now as solved ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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