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2005 Cavalier Engine Light On

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Jan 24, 2011, 1:00 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1356 views)
2005 Cavalier Engine Light On Sign In

Last night was super cold. I forgot to plug my car in. I plugged it in early this morning once I realized it. I just got it to start but the engine light is on and the car is vibrating quite a bit. Is it possible that I did severe damage to it trying to start it when it was too cold? Am I going to do damage to it if I try to drive it? I let it run for about 5 minutes but I turned it off because I wasn't sure if I was doing more harm than good by letting it run.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jan 24, 2011, 4:27 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1340 views)
Re: 2005 Cavalier Engine Light On Sign In

There is no requirement to plug a car in. It just makes it easier to start.

The "check engine" light is an indicator for a system that monitors many electronic functions in the system, also called the "malfunction indicator lamp" (MIL). It can come on for any of hundreds of different causes from any of the systems that the computer monitors. Some are very important and can lead to further component or engine damage and some are emissions related not as serious but still a problem and need to be repaired.

Your first step is to have the computer scanned to retrieve the trouble codes that were set when the check engine light came on. Those codes will give you specific information about what the computer saw and will get you pointed in the right direction to find your problem. With a 1996 or newer and some 95 cars and you have an AutoZone or Advanced auto parts in your area, they will read them for free. Once you have these code numbers, we can be a lot more specific about what your problem may be.


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