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2011 Ford Fiesta Engine Failure: Drive Belt? Timing Belt?

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Sep 20, 2013, 5:32 AM

Post #1 of 4 (11989 views)
post icon 2011 Ford Fiesta Engine Failure: Drive Belt? Timing Belt? Sign In

Hi there. I'll be honest, I know nothing about cars so I am hoping that, with my vague descriptions, someone can help me. I have a 2011 Ford Fiesta (70k miles) that I bought new. I have always maintained my car's oil and performed other routine maintenance, really, I've never had a problem with the car until now. I was taking my son home from daycare when the autotrack and stability lights came one. The car was making some grumbles, so I pulled over as soon as I could, and then after I stopped, all of the lights came on ( oil, check engine, etc.). I turned the car off and it wouldn't start again.

I had the car towed to Ford on July 25 and it is now September 18th. They have given me the absolute run around. First, they said my engine had no oil and that I didn't change the oil and this ruined my engine. I showed them my records. They pulled the car apart and said that it looks like something happened with the timing belt. They weren't happy with my records ( my ex that was a mechanic changed some of my oil) but I had all of the receipts with the correct oil and filter. They tried to tell me that this may not hold up for the warranty. They said they couldn't prove it was for my car ( but I knew better, they can't deny my warranty for that). Well, they ordered the timing belt and after they started to put it on they called me and said they found a bent pulley which had let all of the oil out of my engine. They told me it looked like I hit something and to call my insurance company. USAA, my ins. company, appraised the car and said there was no point of impact and that I didn't hit anything. Ford looked at the engine again and said that my drive belt had shredded, fallen into the engine, and basically rendered it useless. I need a new engine and the drive belt isn't covered under warranty so I have to pay out of pocket for the engine.

This seems fishy to me. My drive belt is not supposed to be checked until 100k and not replaced until 150k, and they have fought the warranty from the beginning. I have been consulting a lawyer and now I am wondering if I should get a second opinion from a non-Ford mechanic. Are there any alternatives to my engine failure? I was told that if I had somehow lost oil, that my engine would have locked up and ripped the drive belt out of place. Should they be looking at how I lost the oil or is this drive belt shredding a reasonable answer?



Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Sep 20, 2013, 5:58 AM

Post #2 of 4 (11977 views)
Re: 2011 Ford Fiesta Engine Failure: Drive Belt? Timing Belt? Sign In

Usually when a timing belt goes the engine shuts off. It can break if it is worn out enough and pop while starting the engine causing the engine to not start also.

What I don't get is they stated your engine is toast because it had no oil in it, but even though they stated that they ordered a timing belt and were in the process of installing it.

You really need to have someone or yourself go to the dealership and have them explain what is going on and show you visually what happened. I suggest you bring your mechanic ex husband with you.

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(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Sep 20, 2013, 5:59 AM)

New User

Sep 20, 2013, 6:04 AM

Post #3 of 4 (11971 views)
Re: 2011 Ford Fiesta Engine Failure: Drive Belt? Timing Belt? Sign In

I really appreciate your advice. I have gone down there several times but I suppose that because I am a woman they think I don't know when to ask questions. My ex and I are on pretty bad terms, but I am going to see if I can find someone that can do this with me. Do you have any guesses on why the drive belt may have shredded, aside from defect? The thing is only at half its life... just trying to cover all of my bases so when I start questioning Ford they know that I have been looking into this.

** They said that the drive belt had shredded and worked its way into the timing belt which bent all of the valves. Everything is scored engine must be replaced.

I just requested a written diagnosis for my car and that is what they faxed me.

(This post was edited by johnson450 on Sep 20, 2013, 6:11 AM)

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Sep 20, 2013, 6:46 AM

Post #4 of 4 (11954 views)
Re: 2011 Ford Fiesta Engine Failure: Drive Belt? Timing Belt? Sign In

Your correct that normally a drive belt shouldn't be shredding at that mileage and age. Without looking at it can't really give you an answer to why it failed prematurely.

It's possible that a shredded belt could make its way into the timing belt and damage or derail it. The engine is not an interference, so it shouldn't bend any valves. The manufacture recommends replacing the timing belt at 60K.

There are a whole lot of possibilities, but without looking at it or hearing the other side of the story, there is no way to give you an accurate assessment.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Sep 20, 2013, 6:53 AM)


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