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2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why

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Nov 11, 2013, 9:29 PM

Post #1 of 7 (2099 views)
post icon 2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why Sign In

Year: 2012
Make: Toyota
Model: Corolla "S"
Engine: 1.8L I4
Mileage: 23K
Transmission: Manual

I just purchased this car in September. It was a CPO vehicle and is actually still under factory warranty. However, I would rather not deal with a dealership until I have an understanding of what exactly, if anything, is wrong with my car. I know how a lot of dealerships operate and don't want to fix you car if they don't have to - especially when it's warranty work.

The car sat for 3½ days outside a friend's house without being started. It was cold those nights, probably around 35-37°F.

This morning, after having let the car sit for those days, I attempted to start the car. The engine turned over like normal but I let go of the key a little too soon and it didn't quite start. When I attempted to start the engine a second time, the starter simply spun but did not actually "crank" the engine - similar to how it sounds when you turn the key while the engine is already running. I stopped, removed the key completely, tried again and the same thing happened.

I then attempted to bump-start the car by rolling it forward but I simply did not have enough room - I ended up at the bottom of a hill. The starter still refused to work at this point. Eventually, I just held the key in the start position. After at least 10 seconds of just spinning freely, it finally began to "catch" and the engine started; if memory serves I applied a small amount of throttle. I moved the car to the very top of the hill and turned it off to see if I could replicate the problem; however it started right up without complaint.

I immediately drove the car from there to the nearest Autozone - hoping and praying it was a bad battery - but to my dismay, once I had the battery tested, it was infact not the battery. The gentlemen testing it told me it 100% passed the load test.

The car has been fine ever since and I've started it up from dead-cold several times.

At this point I am not sure what I should do, if anything. Should I just wait a while and see if it happens again or...what?

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Nov 12, 2013, 2:41 AM

Post #2 of 7 (2077 views)
Re: 2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why Sign In

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I know how a lot of dealerships operate and don't want to fix you car if they don't have to

Apparently you don't know what you think you know. You do realize all of us giving you advice here are the very people you are bashing ignorantly right? Dealership service writers make a flat salary or hourly wage no matter if the bays are loaded or they're sitting around listening to crickets. The techs are paid flat rate, which means they only get paid while fixing something. So a mechanic that isn't fixing your car isn't making a dime. Also, if you decide to let someone other than the dealership monkey with the car (like the idiots at an Autozone for example) you can void your warranty and be eating the costs yourself.

The issue you described sounds like the starter motor was turning but the drive gear wasn't being pushed out to make contact with the ring gear teeth on the flywheel which allow it to turn the engine over. However, the dealership has to be able to prove to Toyota that they are billing them to replace a part that is actually bad. They are required to keep the defective part and if Toyota decides they want to see it they must give it to them for testing. This is to keep fraud down. The dealership is independently owned, and the factory has to pay them for any warranty work they do so they don't want to pay unless it can be proven that the part is indeed bad. You haven't been able to duplicate this issue since it happened, and neither will they unless it happens more frequently so they can actually see it. At that point they'd be putting a new starter in it and sending you on your way while they bill Toyota and make money.

If you can get it to happen again they will fix it. If not, then everything is going to test out good. Maybe something temporarily stuck on it one time as this is a new car and sometimes new things need to be worked in a bit. Or maybe tomorrow morning it will do it again. I can't tell from this side of the screen. But I would say drive the thing and if you have this happen again call the dealer for an appointment and bring it in. At least you have a stick shift, so you will have a way to get it started and save on a wrecker bill.

New User

Nov 12, 2013, 11:36 AM

Post #3 of 7 (2054 views)
Re: 2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why Sign In

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I know how a lot of dealerships operate and don't want to fix you car if they don't have to

Apparently you don't know what you think you know. You do realize all of us giving you advice here are the very people you are bashing ignorantly right? Dealership service writers make a flat salary or hourly wage no matter if the bays are loaded or they're sitting around listening to crickets. The techs are paid flat rate, which means they only get paid while fixing something. So a mechanic that isn't fixing your car isn't making a dime. Also, if you decide to let someone other than the dealership monkey with the car (like the idiots at an Autozone for example) you can void your warranty and be eating the costs yourself.

So I assume you keep a battery tester with you at all times; one capable of load-testing batteries? Or do you just "know" when a battery is bad simply by looking at it? I didn't know that in your perfect world, nobody goes to get free battery testing done when they suspect a battery has gone bad.

I have had first-hand experiences with all 3 of the Toyota dealerships that are within a reasonable distance from my home. None of them have been good, and ALL of them have been when trying to get warranty work done.

If you'd like a complete rundown of every instance, I'd be happy to oblige. While I'm at it, I'd also be happy to give you a comprehensive list of engines and transmissions I've rebuilt myself; because clearly you are mistaking me for a mechanically illiterate dope. Granted, I don't have much experience with the new "computerized" vehicles. Thus, I have come here to ask for advice. So far, you've not given me anything useful and instead wasted two-thirds (that's 66%, or over half) of a post to lambast me.

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Nov 12, 2013, 2:20 PM

Post #4 of 7 (2045 views)
Re: 2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why Sign In

Obviously you have a chip on your shoulder, but that doesn't belong here in this thread. Please keep this thread on topic. If you want to complain about past events, post in the open posting section. Thank you.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Nov 13, 2013, 2:37 AM

Post #5 of 7 (2033 views)
Re: 2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why Sign In

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I didn't know that in your perfect world, nobody goes to get free battery testing done when they suspect a battery has gone bad.

Since your car is under warranty, the dealership would do a load test as part of their diagnosis, which is free in my perfect world last I checked. In fact, just a few weeks ago I took MY Toyota which is under warranty to a dealership and they diagnosed and replaced my bad battery free of charge. Obviously they don't fix cars at all especially under warranty though. Hmm, seems like mine got fixed quite hassle-free.

I have had first-hand experiences with all 3 of the Toyota dealerships that are within a reasonable distance from my home. None of them have been good, and ALL of them have been when trying to get warranty work done.

Quite frankly just from the attitude you have taken here on this forum leads me to believe that you are a difficult customer period. Those of us in the industry cringe when people like you darken our doorsteps. If you don't like how things are handled by the service department, they DO have managers there you can talk to, right up to the owner of the dealership. Still not getting what you want? Toyota has a number you can call to talk to someone at the corporate level and air your concerns. This forum isn't the BBB, it isn't Dr.Phil's couch, it isn't any of that.

While I'm at it, I'd also be happy to give you a comprehensive list of engines and transmissions I've rebuilt myself; because clearly you are mistaking me for a mechanically illiterate dope.

I don't think I'm actually mistaken there. If you're such a master tech that you can overhaul engines and trannys yet cannot recognize the sound of a starter that isn't engaging the flywheel I don't think there is an honorary doctorate in automotive knowledge waiting in your mailbox. Even a lube tech at Wal-Mart could've figured that issue out.

Granted, I don't have much experience with the new "computerized" vehicles.

We've had computers in vehicles for the past three decades, so apparently you haven't been lifting up too many hoods lately.

So far, you've not given me anything useful and instead wasted two-thirds (that's 66%, or over half) of a post to lambast me.

I'm pleased to see you are capable of converting fractions to percentages. That was actually my favorite part of the 4th grade too. Sure was news to me that 2/3 is more than half, so I feel quite enlightened by you talking the time to help me with those pesky math problems. My 7 year old could use some help with his homework, if you'd like to make some extra money tutoring. You obviously have the requisite knowledge that simply eludes me.

While you're calculating the percentages now, 'd like to point out that in this post I actually managed to waste 100% of your time. My mommy gave me an oreo cookie and told me she was proud of me. Now I'm going to go do some finger painting in the sandbox while you head over to the dealership that I'm sure is SO looking forward to your pleasant company for a symptom that only existed once and cannot be duplicated.

When you go on a forum full of mechanics to write a thread bashing them, don't expect to make any more friends than if you wore a klan outfit in the middle of Compton.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 13, 2013, 3:50 AM

Post #6 of 7 (2030 views)
Re: 2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why Sign In

With great entertainment like this, who needs a TV.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Nov 13, 2013, 7:34 AM

Post #7 of 7 (2026 views)
Re: 2012 Corolla - Wouldn't Start and No Idea Why Sign In

Tickets are 5 bucks. I'll put this one on your tab.


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