Oct 25, 2013, 9:17 PM
Post #1 of 3
6.2 diesel crankshaft ?
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Okay I have a 83 6.2 diesel with over 20000 miles on her.The engine is n afull size Blazer with an automatic.Not sure where this question should go.@ years ago it threw a rod in the number 2 cylinder.Rod went through oil pan and chewed up crank.I was told not machine the crank down.I was told it needed to nitraded afterwards.I decided to go though GM and buy a new one.Well that didn't work they don't have one anywhere.I got a part number from GM and did my own search and found one.Before I lay out 500 for this crank,is there place to buy a crank and how are they are as well as nitrating and holding up and what I should look for I am wondering if I can get my old crank turned Thanks
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Oct 26, 2013, 2:32 AM
Post #2 of 3
Re: 6.2 diesel crankshaft ?
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Who told you not to machine the crank? If you toss a rod you need to repair damage to the crank journals before you can use it in anything else. Any competent machine shop can do that job for well under what you are looking to spend on a different one. There shouldn't be any other treatment needed, just grind and polish to the next undersize. These engines were made by Detroit Diesel, a GM subsidiary. The last one I rebuilt was a 12.7L series 60 and it had spun a rod bearing. The only thing the machine shop needed to do was machine it to the proper undersize. I even looked into the factory service manual and that was all they called for. Let a good machine shop have a look at your old crank before you lay down that kind of money on a new one. Make sure it gets magnafluxed too, you don't want a crack you can't even see with your eyes to derail this project.
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