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94 accord fuel pump wont kick on sometimes

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Oct 19, 2013, 12:04 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1711 views)
94 accord fuel pump wont kick on sometimes Sign In

okay so, my 94 honda accord has a few issues but im fairly certain its all the same problem. ok first problem: sometimes my fuel pump will not kick on, im not sure if this is important but ive noticed it dose this mostly when its cooler outside. to get the pump to kick on i disconnect the battery and reconnect it. that generally solves the problem. the fuel pump will come on and then i can start the car.
second problem; this is a recent problem, my car will not idle properly, it will idle low, then shut off, while im parked. and when i take my foot off the gas while driving, it acts like it wants to shut off. im thinking its not getting enough fuel.

okay here is a little history and information about the car specifically. i purchased this car about 8 months ago, and all the problems i have mentioned, i had when i got the car. then when it seemed to get warmer the problems stopped. or happened less frequently. when i purchased the car about 8 months ago i changed the fuel filter, and just before i purchased it the original owner (an old co-worker of mine) he informed me, he had just changed the master fuel relay. which for this model and year is a big problem. also note, the battery in the car is not the battery that is supposed to be in the car. the one thats in it is a deep cycle boat battery. the battery is a size 24ms-6. (625 amps.) i mentioned it dose not like to start it cooler weather, so you can understand what i actually mean by cooler ill explain. i live in south Texas and it rarely drops below 32 degrees here. i am having these problems right now and its currently 68 degrees. so not that cold. i think thats about it. any ideas??

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Oct 20, 2013, 8:43 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1682 views)
Re: 94 accord fuel pump wont kick on sometimes Sign In

Marine deep cycle batteries are not designed to be used in automobile starting systems that require a large burst of current in a short period of time, so you might want to start by installing the correct battery.

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(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Oct 20, 2013, 8:44 AM)


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